Author/Editor     Mlačak, Blaž; Starc, Anton; Kapš, Rafko; Piletič, Milivoj
Title     Mikroalbuminurija kot kazalnik periferne arterijske okluzivne bolezni pri diabetikih tipa 2
Translated title     Mikroalbuminuria as a marker of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in type 2 diabetics
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 67, št. 7-8
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 415-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. More recent epidemiologic studies have determined that microalbuminuria and proteinuria are significant risk markers for the development of atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of microalbuminuria in patients with and without diabetes mellitus with a group which had arterial peripheral occlusive disease and microabluminuria. Patients and methods. The test group contained 60 patients with type II diabetes mellitus, between 28 and 87 years of age, 24 males and 36 females. The control groupconsisted of60 patients without diabetes, who were comparable to the test group by age, sex, and profession. Microalbuminuria was considered to be present if the albumin: creatinine ratio was >- 2.5. Peripheral arterial occlusive disease was diagnosed in the lower extramities by Doppler a ultrasound. Results. Peripheral arterial occlusive disease was diagnosed in 26.7% of patients with diabetes mellitus, in 10% of the controlg group. The difference is statistically significant (P < 0.05). In the diabetic group 19 (31.7%) had microalbuminuria but only 7 (11.7%) ofthe control group. In the presence of microalbuminuria the incidence of arterial occlusive disease was 79%, but in those without it only 4.9%. The difference is statistically significant (P < 0.001). Conclusions. Our study has demonstrated that microalbuminuria is frequently present in diabetes mellitus and peripheral arterial occlusive disease. We are certainly justified in determining the presence of microalbuminuria in diabetes with the aim of early prevention and therapy.
Summary     Izhodišča. Novejše epidemiološke študije so ugotovile, da sta mikroalbuminurija in proteinurija pomembna dejavnika tveganja za razvoj ateroskleroze. Cilj naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti pogostost mikroalbuminurije v skupinidiabetikov in skupini brez diabetesa ter periferne arterijske okluzivne bolezni. (PAOB) priosebah z mikroalbuminurijo. Metode. V testni skupini je bilo 60 diabetikov (tip II diabetesa) med 28. in 87. letom starosti, od tega 24 moških in 36 žensk. Kontrolna skupina, ki je imela 60 varovancev brez diabetesa, je bila primerljiva s testno po starosti, spolu in poklicu. Za mikroabluminurijo smo imeli vrednosti albumin: kreatinin kvocienti <- 2,5. Periferno arterijsko okluzivno bolezen na spodnjih udih smo diagnosticirali s pomočjo ultrazvočnega Dopplerjevega detektorja. Rezultati. Periferno arterijsko okluzivno bolezen smo diagnosticirali pri 26,7% diabetikov in pri 10% varovancih kontrolne skupine. Razlika je statistično pomembna (P < 0,05). V diabetični skupini je 19 (31,7%) varovancev imeli mikroalbuminurijo, medtem ko je v kontrolni skupini mikroalbuminurija ugotovljena pri 7 (11,7%) varovancih. 79% diabetikov z mikroalbuminurijo je imelo PAOB, medtem ko je pri sladkornih bolnikih brez albuminurije PAOB najdena pri 4,9% bolnikov. Razlika je statistično pomembna (P < 0,001). Zaključki. Raziskava je pokazala, da je mikroalbuminurija pogosta pr ivarovancih z diabetesom in periferno arterijsko okluzivno boleznijo. Upravičeno je ugotavljanje mikroalbuminurije pri diabetikih s ciljem pravočasnega zdravljenja drugih dejavnikov tveganja pri tistih bolnikih in preprečevanja aterosklerotičnih zapletov.