Author/Editor     Mueller-Premru, Manica; Muzlovič, Igor
Title     Tipizacija proti meticilinu odpornega Staphylococcus aureusa s pulzno elektroforezo
Translated title     Typing of the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 67, št. 7-8
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 437-40
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is common in some hospital units. We introduced typing to establish whether a certain unit has one epidemic MRSA strain, or more strains. We tried to define whether typing with extended antibiotic susceptibility testing is enough, or pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) should be used in addition to type MRSA. Materials. Nine MRSA isolates from tracheal aspirates of nine patients in the intensive care unit of the Department for Infectious diseases were compared by typing. The first three isolates were obtained from patients, hospitalized in June, and the second six isolates from patients hospitalized in September 1997. Two typing methods were used: one was PFGE, which differentiates Staphylococcus aureus inside species on the basis of differences in chromosomal DNA, and the second one was diffeences in chromosomal DNA, and the second one was extended antibiotic susceptibility testing. Results. Among nine MRSA isolates four PFGE patterns (A, B, C and D) representing four different types or strains and two extended antibiotic susceptibility types (A and B) were obtained. The first three isolates from June had different PFGE patterns (A, B and C) and the same extended antibiotic susceptibility type (A). The second six isolates had identical or very similar PFGE pattern (D or D1) and the same antibiotic susceptibility (B), and were different from the first three isolates. Conclusions. In June 1997 three different MRSA strains were found in the intensive care unit, but in September there was one MRSA strain. With PFGE we discriminated MRSA more accurately than with extended antibiotic susceptibility testing. Different MRSA strains were introduced into the unit in June, and did not spreadbut one strain was introduced in September, and spread among six patients.(Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Summary     Izhodišča. Ker se proti meticilinu odporni Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, od angl. methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) pojavlja na nekaterih oddelkih bolnišnic, smo s tipizacijo želeli ugotoviti, ali na posameznem oddelku kroži en epidemični sev ali več sevor. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi, ali je za tipizacijo MRSA dovolj razširjen antibiogram oziroma ali je treba uporabiti še pulzno elektroforezo (PFGE, od angl. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis). Metode. Devet izolatov MRSA iz aspiratov traheje pri devetih bolnikih v intenzivni enoti Infekcijske klinike smo primerjali s tipizacijo. Prve tri smo izolirali pribolnikih, ki so se zdravili v juniju, drugih šest pa pri bolnikih, ki so se zdravili v septembru 1997. Za tipizacijo smo uporabljali dve metodi: pulzno elektroforezo, s katero ločujemo Staphylococcus aureus znotraj vrste na osnovi razlike v kromosomski DNA, in razširjeni antibiogram. Rezultati. Med devetimi izolati MRSA smo s pulzno elktroforezo dobili štiri PFGE vzorce (A, B, C in D), kar pomeni, da je šlo za štiri različne tipe ali seve. Z razširjenimi antibiogrami pa smo dobili dva tipa (A in B). Prvi trije izolati MRSA so imeli različne PFGE vzorce (A, B in C) in isti antibiogram (A). Drugih šest izolatov je imelo isti ali zelo podoben PFGE vzorec (D ali D1) in isti antibiogram (B), ki pa sta bila drugačna kot priprvih treh izolatih. Zaključki. Znotraj intenzivne enote smo našli v juniju tri različne seve MRSA, v septembru pa en sev. S pulzno elektroforezo smo bakterije natančneje ločevali znotraj vrste kot z razširjenimi antibiogrami. V juniju je prišlo do vnosa različnih sevov, ki se niso razširili na druge bolnike na oddelku, v septembru pa do vnosa novega seva, ki se je razširil med bolniki. Čeprav je število tipiziranih izolatov majhno, se zdi, da prihajajo v intenzivno enoto različni sevi MRSA, od katerih se nekateri razširijo znotraj enote.