Author/Editor     Poredoš, Pavel
Title     Zdravnik - bolnikov zagovornik
Translated title     A physician - patient's defender
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 67, št. 10
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 557-60
Language     slo
Abstract     In the paper the relation between a physician and a patient, rights and duties of both partners participating in the process of treatment is discussed. The author ascertains that for a successful treatment it is necessary first to restore a quality relation between a physician and a patient. Such a relation should be based on mutual confidence and respect. A physician has the right and duty to protect any individual health, and to treat any disease as thoroughly as possible. The physician's duty is also to influence on the most rightful allocation of disposable financial means. Furthermore, a physician as a patient's defender should strive for any individual highest quality living conditions. Any physician should be the one who persuades the society on behalf of the right to live, and demands from it to fulfil its duty to citizens, especially to the diseased. Among the basic rights of a patient there are as follows: quality health care, right to a free choice of a physician and health organization, right of self-determination, and right to information and confidentiality. A patient should also be given the right to object, what is sometimes difficult to realise in practice. Therefore, the complaint procedure should be precisely defined in the whole of Slovenia. In health institutions it would be necessary to define precisely whom a patient may complain to, complaints councils should be organized, the ombudsman should more actively be included in sorting-out the matters in dispute. Beside the rights a patient has also duties. Among basic duties there is his concern fro his own health. A patient should contribute to the health security implementation in compliance with his possibilities, and participate actively in the process of treatment.
Summary     V prispevku je obravnavan odnos med zdravnikom in bolnikom ter pravice in dolžnosti obeh sodelujočih partnerjev v procesu zdravljenja. Avtor ugotavlja, da je za uspešno zdravljenje najprej potrebno vzpostaviti kakovosten odnos med zdravnikom in bolnikom. Tak odnos naj temelji na medsebojnem zaupanju in spoštovanju. Zdravnik ima pravico in dolžnost, da varuje zdravje vsakega posameznika in da čimbolj vestno zdravi bolezen. Zdravnikova dolžnost je tudi vplivati na čimbolj pravično razporejanje razpoložljivih finančnih sredstev. Nadalje si mora zdravnik kot bolnikov zagovornik prizadevati za čimbolj kakovostne življenjske pogoje vsakega posameznika. Zdravnik mora biti tisti, ki v imenu pravice do življenja prepričuje družbo in zahteva od nje, da izpolni svojo dolžnost do državljanov, zlasti do bolnih. Med osnovne pravice bolnika pa sodijo: kakovostna zdravstvena oskrba, pravica do svobodne izbire zdravnika in zdravstvene organizacije, pravica do samoodločanja ter pravica do obveščenosti in zaupnosti. Bolniku mora biti dana tudi pravica do ugovora, kar pa je v praksi včasih težko uresničiti. Zato bi morali v vsej Sloveniji natančno opredeliti pritožbeni postopek. V zdravstvenih ustanovah bi bilo potrebno natančno opredeliti, komu se bolnik lahko pritoži, organizirani bi morali biti pritožni sveti, v reševanje spornih zadev bi se moral aktivneje vključevati varuh človekovih pravic. Poleg pravic pa ima bolnik tudi dolžnosti. Med osnovne dolžnosti sodi skrb za lastno zdravje. Bolnik mora prispevati k uresničevanju zdravstvenega varstva v skladu s svojimi možnostmi in aktivno sodelovati v procesu zdravljenja.