Author/Editor     Kremžar, Ljuba; Mohar, Milojka; Fercej-Temeljotov, Darja; Kofler, Bojan
Title     Formulation of dispersible nabumetone tablets
Translated title     Oblikovanje disperzibilnih tablet z nabumetonom
Type     članek
Source     Acta Pharm Zagreb
Vol. and No.     Letnik 48, št. 3
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 187-92
Language     eng
Abstract     Dispersible tablets containing daily dose of nabumetone, an efficient nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory drug (NSAID), were formulated. Due bo hydrophobic nature of sparingly water soluble nabumetone, used in amount of 100.0 mg per dosage unit, most appropriate excipients and technological parameters were carefully sought for. The impact of different surfactants, disintegrating agents, binders, hydrophilic carriers, granulating and tabletting conditions on dissolution and disintegration of the formulation were studied.
Summary     Namen dela je bil izdelati disperzibilno tableto z dnevno dozo nesteroidnega antirevmatika, nabumetona. Glede na to, da je nabumeton zelo hidrofobna, v vodi skoraj netopna učinkovina, z visoko dnevno dozo (1000 mg), je bilo potrebno sistematično preučitit faktorje za solubilizacijo učinkovine in sočasno zagotoviti ustrezne biofarmacevtske in fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti formulacije, prvenstveno razpadnosti, hitrosti raztapljanja in krušljivosti tablet. V ta namen so bili preizkušeni različni surfaktanti dezinegratorji, veziva, hidrofilni nosilci in tehnološko-procesni pogoji granuliranja in tabletiranja.