Author/Editor     Hribar-Habinc, Miša; Baraga, Andrej
Title     Sprejem urgentnega bolnika v bolnišnico
Translated title     The admission of emergency patient into the hospital
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 7-8
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 282-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Authors are describing important elements of admitting procedures of the emergency patient in hospital. After at scene manegement, the patient is transported to the hospital by EMS team, which have to be in constant communication with the hospital team, using radio communication or mobile telephone. Data about mechanism of injury, number of injred, patient status and eventual special circumstances are forwarded from the scene and during he transport. This allows hospital team to prepare equipment, medication and additional personal (specialist teams), in time for the arrival of one or even more patients. Data about field treatment should be orally communicated and also noted on appropriate protocol. It is desirable for the EMS physician to be present during primary patient survey. Authors also describe primary survey prodecures, pointing out priorities based on vital functions support. Management Protocol for severely injured patient at hospital admittance is added to the article.
Summary     Avtorja opisujeta pomembne elemente pri sprejemu urgentnega bolnika v bolnišnico. Po predvideni oskrbi na mestu nesreče spremlja poškodovanca v bolnišnico tim splošne nujne medicinske pomoči, ki mora biti z bolnišničnim urgentnim timom neprekinjeno povezan po dobri radijski zvezi in prenosnih telefonih. Z mesta nesreče in med prevozom sporoča podatke o mehanizmu nesreče, število poškodovanih, stanju ponesrečencev in morebitnih specialnih okoliščinah. Bolnišnični urgentni tim lahko zato pravočasno pripravi vse naprave zdravila in osebje (še dodatne specialistične time) za sprejem enega ali več hudo poškodovanih. Podatki o zdravljenju morajo biti predani ustno in zapisani na protokolu. Zaželeno je, da je ob prvem hitrem pregledu ponesrečenega prisoten tudi zdravnik splošne nujne medicinske pomoči (SNMP). Avtorja opišeta postopke prvega pregleda poškodovanca in njihov prednostni red glede na ohranitev življenjskih funkcij. Članku je dodan Protokol oskrbe hudo poškodovanega v bolnišnici ob urgentnem sprejemu (po HH Delloz, 1992).