Author/Editor     Božiček, Franc
Title     Bolnik z Parkinsonovo boleznijo (in parkinsonizmom) v ambulanti spošne medicine
Translated title     Patient with Parkinson disease (and parkinsonism) in the out-patient clinic
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 7-8
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 327-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Author describes the problematics of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in the out-patient clinic. Parkinson's disease is a progressive neuro-degenerative disorder which can be imitated by nuerous states called parkinsonism. Diagnosis is clinical and is made on the base of typical signs (tremor, akinesia, rigor) but if at the onset of disease other signs appear the diagnosing can be quite complicated. disease appears gradually and if it is suspected, a neurologic examination of patient is necessary. Specialistic help is necessary also for the managing of the patient. Important is the collaboration between patient's doctor and neurologist, as with the advancing of disease some patients begin to omit specialist controls, especially if the treatment has no effect or has distinctive side effects. Parkinson's dsease affects not only the patient but also his/her family, its treatment is symptomatic and drugs have many side effects. The role of general practioner is first of all in permanent managing of patient and his/her family which can be more and more important considering the chronicity and progresiveness of the disease and its complications. Physician's work is completed with the work of the other members of medical team. Patients from the country have lesser possibilities for a complex, multidisciplinary managing with the collaboration of more different experts, as do the patients from urban centres, therefore the role of their doctor is so much more important.
Summary     Avtor opisuje problematiko Parkinsonove bolezni in parkinsonizma v ambulanti splošne medicine. Parkinsonova bolezen je progresivna nevrodegenerativna motnja, posnemajo pa številna stanja, poimenovana parksinsonizem. Diagnoza je klinična, zdravnik jo postavi ob tipičnih znakih (tremor, akineza, rigor), če pa se v začetku bolezni pojavijo drugi znaki, je pot do nje bolj zapletena. Bolezen nastaja postopno. Ob sumu nanjo je potrebna nevrološka obdelava bolnika. Specialistična pomoč je potrebna tudi pri vodenju bolnika. Pomembno je sodelovanje med bolnikom zdravnikom in nevrologom ker po napredovanju bolezni, predvsem če zdravljenje ni učinkovito ali so stranski učinki zdravil izraziti, nekateri bolniki opuščajo specialistične kontrole. Bolezen prizadene tako bolnika kot družino, zdravljenje je simptomatsko, zdravila pa imajo veliko stranskih učinkov. Ker je bolezen kronična in napredujoča, je vloga zdravnika splošne medicine predvsem v stalne, spremljanju bolnika in delu z njegovo družino, ki dobiva vse večji pomen s pojavljanjem zapletov bolezni. Zdravnikovo delo se dopolnjuje z delom ostalih članov zdravstvenega tima. Bolniki na podeželju imajo manjše možnosti za kompleksno, multidisciplinarno vodenje kot v urbanih središčih, kjer lahko sodeluje več različnih strokovnjakov. Zato pa je vloga njihovega zdravnika zanje toliko pomembnejša.