Author/Editor     Horvat, Tanja; Belović, Branislava; Kikel, Alice; Godić, Dobrivoje
Title     Obolevnost šolskih otrok in mladine
Translated title     Morbidity among primary school children and adolescents
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 55-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Presented are the causes of morbidity of primary school children and adolescents in Pomurje. The causes were determined by the first medical examinations in the period from 1985 to 1994. In Pomurje the number of these is slowly increasing. From 1985 to 1994 the percentage of hospital referrals was around 1%. The most common reasons for the first examination by a doctor are respiratory disease, infectious and parasitic diseases, digestive diseases, diseases of nervous system and senses and skin conditions. In Slovenia reasons for the first examination are almost the same, but occur in different order. The most frequent reasons are respiratory diseases, injuries and poisonings, skin conditions, nervous system and senses diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases. In some municipalities of Pomurje the situation differs. Health care of pupils requires a continuous attention to diseases.
Summary     Članek prikazuje vzroke obolevnosti pri šolskih otrocih in mladini v Pomurju, ki smo jih ugotovili pri prvih pregledih v obdobju od 1985. do 1994. leta. V Pomurju se Število kurativnih pregledov postopoma povečuje. Za obdobje 1985 do 1994 je delež napotenih otrok v bolnišnico od vseh obiskov ca 1%. Najpogostnejši vzrok za prvi obisk pri zdravniku so v Pomurju bolezni dihal, sledijo jim nalezljive in parazitarne bolezni, nato bolezni prebavil, živčevja in čutil ter kože in podkrožja. V Sloveniji pa so na prvem mestu bolezni dihal, sledijo poškodbe in zastrupitve, bolezni kože in podkožja, bolezni živčevja in čutil ter nalezljive in parazitarne bolezni. V posameznih občinah se stanje nekoliko razlikuje. Skrb za šolarjev zdravstveno stanje vključuje tudi nenehno spremljanje obolevnosti.