Author/Editor     Brcar-Štrukelj, Polona
Title     Spolno vedenje slovenskih osmošolk in osmošolcev
Translated title     Sexual behaviour of Slovenian primary school children
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 119-32
Language     slo
Abstract     The research was conducted with a representative sample of Slovenian schoolboys and schoolgirls. Our aim was to learn more about when and where they obtained information about sexuality, who informed them and what their expectations and behaviour were. We also used M. Fishbein's and I. Ajzen's recent theory (1980), in which thez presumed that people generally act on the basis of their intentions (goals). We therefore aimed to determine the influence of attitudes, subjective standards and behaviour control on the shaping of behavioural intentions and sexual behaviour. Sexual behaviour is formed unde rthe influence and broader environment to which the individual is bound. With this research we tried to determine some of these factors which shape the sexual behaviour of young people, with the aim of later preventive programmes based on their needs.
Summary     V raziskavo smo zajeli reprezentativen vzorec slovenskih osmošolk in osmošolcev. Izvedeti smo želeli čimveč o tem, kako in kdaj so prišli do informacij o spolnosti in kdo so bili informatorji, kakšna so njihova pričakovanja in vedenja. Uporabili smo tudi novejšo teorijo M. Fishbeina in I. Ajzena (1980), ki sta predpostavljala, da ljudje primarno delujejo na osnovi svojih namer (ciljev). Zato smo ugotavljali, kakšen je vpliv stališč, subjektivnih norm in vedenjskega nadzora na oblikovanje vedenjskih namer in spolnega vedenja. Spolno vedenje se oblikuje pod vplivom različnih dejavnikov ožjega in širšega življenjskega prostora, v katerega je vpet posameznik. Z raziskavo smo skušali ugotoviti del dejavnikov, ki oblikujejo spolno vedenje mladih, da bi kasneje lahko izdelali preventivne programe na osnovi njihovih potreb.
Descriptors     SEX BEHAVIOR