Author/Editor     Pinter, Bojana; Tomori, Martina
Title     Spolno vedenje slovenskih srednješolcev
Translated title     Sexual behaviour of high-school students in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 133-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The present research was the first representative study of the sexual behaviour of high-school students in Slovenia and was part of an inter-disciplinary reasrch into health risk factor among high-school students in the country. The research was done on a representative sample of 4,706 high-school students in Slovenia aged 14-19 years. The data was obtained by a questionnaire in April 1996. The average age of students in the study was 17,3 years, for both gendrs. The majority of students have had experiences in kissing (70%), caressing (59%) and less in petting (43%). 38% of the students have had sexual intercourse. By the age of 19 years 58% of the girsl and 50% of the boys have experienced sexual intercourse. The main reasons given for first sexual intercourse were love (45%), incident (22%) and curiosty (15%). Contraceptive methods currently used were condoms (60%), pills (14%) and no method (19%). In the students opinion, the the most appropriate sources of information on sexuality were friends (26%), parents (19%), different sources (19%) and professionals (15%). By the age of 18,5 years about half of highschool students in Slovenia experience sexual intercourse. The majority (74%) of students currently use effective contraception, with the condom being the most popular choice. Students are willing to talk about sexuality with friends, parents and professionals, but less willing to discuss it in the school.
Summary     Pričujoča raziskava je prva reprezentativna študija o spolnem vedenju srednješolcev v Sloveniji. Raziskava je del interdisciplinarne študije o dejavnikih tveganja med srednješolci v državi. Raziskavo smo izvedli na reprezentativnem vzorcu 4706 srednješolcev v Sloveniji starih od 14 do 19 let. Podatke smo zbirali z vprašalnikom meseca aprila 1996. Povprečna starost srednješolcev je bila 17,3 let, enaka za dekleta in fante. Večina srednješolcev že ima izkušnje s poljubljanjem (70%) inbožanjem (59%), redkeje s pettingom (4%). Spolne odnose je že imelo 38% srednješolcev. Do devetnajstega leta starosti je imelo spolne odnose 58% deklet in50% fantov. Poglavitni razlogi za prvi spolni odnos so bili ljubezen (45%), naključje (22%) in radovednost (15%). Kot kontracepcijsko metodo srednješolci trenutno najpogosteje uporabljajo kondrom (60%), kontracepcijske tablete (14%), nobene metode pa ne uporablja (19%). Najprimernejši viri informacij o spolnosti so po mnenju srednješolcev prijatelji (26%), starši (19%) različni viri (19%) in strokovnjaki (15%). Do starosti 18,5 let ima spolne odnose že polovica slovenskih srednješolcev. Večina srednješolcev (74%) trenutno uporablja zanesljivo kontracepcijo, najpogosteje kondom. Srednješolci se želijo pogovarjali o spolnosti s prijatelji, starši in strokovnjaki, redkeje pa v šoli.
Descriptors     SEX BEHAVIOR