Author/Editor     Bratanič, Nina
Title     Rast in otrokovo zdravje
Translated title     Growth and the child's health
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 151-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Somatic growth is fundamental to childhood, and growth measurements is an accurate and sensitive guide to child health. Normal growth and development are finely regulated through the complex interaction of many factors. These include nutrition, genetic, environmental and neuroendocrine factors and emotinal well-being. Measurement of stature requires accuracy in height determination. Measurement of height is used for children less than 2 years old,and standing height is used for older children. For the determination of height velocity serial measurements should be made at the same time of day by the same examiner. An observation period of at least six months is necessary for accurate growth rate determination. Once recorded, a child's height should be plotted carefully on an appropriate growth chart. The 3rd and 97th percentile lines have been conventionally taken as the lower and upper limits of normality. Children growing at the normal rate, that is, at a velocity on line with their population's standard growth curve or approximately parallel with it, are normal children. Deviation from a normal pattern of growth can be the first manifestation of a wide variety of disease processes that include both endocrine and nonendocrine disorders and can involve any organ system of the body. Therefore, frequent and accurate assessement of growth is of primary importance for physicians caring for children and can allow early diagnosis of a pathological disorder impairing growth and its treatment.
Summary     Rast je glavna značilnost otroške dobe, hkrati pa tudi zelo natančen in občutljiv kazalec otrokovega zdravja. Na rast vplivajo številni medsebojno prepletajoči se dejavniki: dedni, prehrambeni, nevroendokrini, psihosocialni in dejavniki okolja. rast redno spremljamo na sistematskih pregledih. Pomembno je, da je način meritve pravilen, meritve pa natančne. Višino otrok do drugega leta starosti merimo v merilnih koritih in z ustestreznimi stadiometri pri starejših otrocih. Praviloma bi moral meritve izvajati vedno isti preiskovalec ob istem dnevnem času. Rezultate meritev moramo zapisati v percentilne krivulje. Za spodnjo in zgornjo mejo normalnega sta standardno v uporabi 3. in 97. percentil. Kadar otrokova rastna krivulja sledi določeni percentilni krivulji ali poteka vzporedno z njo, pomeni, da je hitrost rasti normalna. Prehajanje z višjih na nižje percentilne krivulje pomeni zastoj v rasti oz. prehajanje z nižjih na višje, torej pospešeno rast. Zastoj v rasti je lahko posledica različnih vzrokov od kroničnih bolezni, endokrinih motenj do psihosocialne deprivacije in drugih. S problemom visoke rasti se srečujemo manj pogosto. Najpogostnejši vzrok visoke rasti je družinska oz. konstitucionalna visoka rast, drugi neendokrini vzroki so še cerebralni vzroki visoke rasti so povečano izločanje rastnega hormona iz tumorjev hipofize, prezgodnja puberteta in hipogonadizem. Vzrok za motnjo v rasti moramo s preiskavami pravilno opredeliti in čimprej ustrezno zdraviti, da bo dosegel normalno pričakovano končno višino.