Author/Editor     Godić, Dobrivoje; Belović, Branislava; Godić, Aleksandar
Title     Na kaj vse naj pomisli šolski zdravnik pri obravnavi glavobola - prikaz primera eozinofilnega makroprolaktinoma
Translated title     What shoud a school doctor think about when considering a headache - an eosinophilic macroprolactinoma case report
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 261-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Headache is a common phenomena with primary school pupils and it can result from various causes. Many rare conditions can appear as the cause, one of them is an intracranial tumour. Among them there can also exist hormonal active tumours as is prolactinoma which autonomously secretes prolactin. Thereby these tumours cause systematical symptoms. Hyperprolactionemia generally causes menstrual disorders, galactorrhea, acne and infertility. When the tumour grows and when it expends to sella turcica the symptoms of local expansion of the tumour appear. Among these a headache and visual-field defects exist. The case of a female patient with eosinophilic prolactinoma shows the necessity to consider these diseases in the differential diagnostics.
Summary     Glavobol je pogost pojav pri šolarjih, vzroki pa so lahko različni. Med zelo redkimi vzroki zanj so intrakranialni tumorji. Med njimi so tudi hormonsko aktivni, kot je prolaktinom, ki avtonomno izloča prolaktin. Zaradi tega ti tumorji povzročajo sistemske znake. Hiperprolaktinemija povzroča pri ženskah najpogosteje motnje menstruacijskega ciklusa, galaktorejo, akne in neplodnost. Kadar se tumor širi na turško sedlo, se pojavijo tudi znaki njegovega lokalnega razraščanja, kot so glavoboli in motnje vida. Da je v diferencialni diagnostiki potrebno upoŠtevati tudi te bolezni, nazorno pokaže primer bolnice z eozinofilnim prolaktinomom.
Descriptors     HEADACHE