Author/Editor     Groleger, Katja; Bratanič, Borut; Veličković-Perat, Milivoj
Title     Nekonjugirana hiperbilirubinemija pri novorojenčku
Translated title     Unconjugated hyperbibirubinemia in term newborns
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 355-66
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper presents the metabolism of bilirubin and consequences of its toxic effect on new-born's brain. Increased production or decreased excretion of bilirubin, or a combination of both, may be the cause of neonatal jaundice. Affer passing across the blood-brain barrier, bilirubin is deposited in some regions of the brain. Unconjugated and unbound bilirubin is toxic, and is especially harmful to the brain of a new-borns. The mechanism of its toxicity is not yet understood, but it is well known that bilirubin can affect enzymes and cell membranes. The clinical picture of bilirubin encephalopathy has three phases. Late sequelae are offen manifested as cerebral palsy, deafness and mental retardation. The paper gives several recommendations for the management of severe jaundice and prevention of bilirubin encephalopathy.
Summary     Pregledni članek povzema presnovo bilirubina in posledice toksičnega delovanja bilirubina na možgane. Povečano nastajanje bilirubina, manjše izločanje ali pa kombinacija obojega so lahko vzroki za nastanek neonatalne zlatenice. Po prehodu skozi krvno-možgansko pregrado se bilirubin kopiči v določenih delih možganov. Nekonjugirani, nevezani bilirubin je toksičen, predvsem za možgane novorojenčkov. Podrobnega mehanizma toksičnosti še ne poznamo, čeprav je ugotovljeno, da bilirubin deluje na encime in celične membrane. Klinična slika bilirubinske ence- falopatije v akutnem obdobju poteka v treh fazah. Pozne posledice se pogosto kažejo kot cerebralna paraliza, gluhost, lahko tudi kot umska manjrazvitost. Navedena so priporočila za zdravljenje hude zlatenice in s tem za preprečevanje nastanka bilirubinske encefalopatije.
Descriptors     BILIRUBIN