Author/Editor     Pocajt, Marjan
Title     Utrinki o postmortalni radiologiji v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor
Translated title     Reflections on postmortal radiology at Maribor general hospital
Type     članek
Source     In: Glaser E, editor. 100 let rengentskih žarkov: skozi prizmo medicine, veterine in medikohistorikov. Maribor: Medikohistorična sekcija Slovenije SZD,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 187-98
Language     slo
Abstract     Between 1973 and 1985, an X-ray cabinet with anatornical laboratory was operating at the Department of Pathological Morphology of Maribor General Hospital, organizationally incorporated into Medical Research Department. The cabinet hadl at its disposal a secondhand but very effective classic device (Siemens) without TV and with two work units roentgenographic unit and a diascope with revolving examination table. The anatomical laboratory was adequately equipped for anatomic diagnostic procedures and preparation of specimenes for roentgenography (and echologic reserch). For lack of space due to construction of new hospital buildings, the then management made the one-sided (short-sighted) decision to abolish the cabinet at the end of 1985. The above mentioned RTG - anatomical laborarory was inteded for postmortal radiology (roentgenology, echology) by all interested clinical disciplines in connection with basic and applicative research, preparing of new patient procedures and problems from everyday practice. Apart from a series of extremly useful and orientating radiomorphologic procedures, several scientific research studies or projects from the field of ORL, orthopedics, cardiology, radiology and vascular surgery were carried out succesfully either in part or exclusively by means of cabinets.