Author/Editor     Pečarič-Meglič, Nuška; Knific, Jernej; Čerk, Martin; Škrbec, Miha
Title     Nevroradiologija v pediatriji
Translated title     Pediatric neuroradiology
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl 4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 65-73
Language     slo
Abstract     Pathnological processes of the brain and spinal cord can be detected by neuroimaging modalities. A neuroradiologist must have pertinent knowledge of the still-ongoing development of the central nervous system in neonates, infants and children, of the different vulnerabilities of various structures and exposure toother pathogenic mechanisms. Paediatric neuroimaging also demands profound knowledge of the disease entities, congenital, pre-, peri- and postnatal, inherited and acquired disorders. one should never underestimate the psychological impact of a correct diagnosis on a malformation of the brain, even if no treatment is available, on the parents' ability to accept that their child is handicapped. Correct diagnosis can alleviate much anxiety and worry that certain events in the perinatal period could be associated with the child's handicap and can assist in genetic counselling. The choice of a certain imaging modality is not only influenced by the patient's age and the indication for he study, but also by the availability of certain techniques and the knowledge of the radiologist. The sensitivity and specificity of a certain imaging modality are also important. Because of the potentially damaging effect of ionising radiation, all radiological investigations in children must be well indicated and carried out using correct techniques. However, fer of radiation must never lead to acceptance of reducer diagnostic accuracy.
Summary     Z nevroradiološkimi preiskovalnimi metodami prikazujemo patološke procese možganov in hrbtenjače pri otrocih. Za pravilno izvedbo in vrednotenje preiskav mora radiolog dobro poznati značilnosti embrionalnega, fetalnega in postnatalnega razvoja možganov. Poznati mora patomorfološko in anatomsko drugačnost patoloških dogajanj pri novorojecih, otrocih in mladostikih, drugačno ranljivost struktur in izpostavljenost drugačnim patogenim mehanizmom. Dobro mora poznati vse entitete bolezni, od prirojenih, prenatalnih, perinatalnih, postnatalnih, dednih in pridobljenih. Pravilna diagnoza ima pri prirojenih malformacijah pomemben vpliv na sposobnost staršev, četudi ni mogoče nobeno zdralvjenje. Ublažiti skrb staršev in občutek krivde, da so določeni dogodki v erinatalnem obdobju povezani s prizadetostjo otroka, ter jih usmeri v genetsko svetovanje. Izbira preiskovalne metode je odvisna od starosti bolnika, indikacije, od dostopnosti preiskovalne metode in tudi od izkušenosti radiologa. Pomembna je ralična občutljivost inspecifičnost preiskvoalnih metod. Zaradi potencialne nevarnosti ionizirajočega sevanja morajo biti vse nevroradiološke preiskave pri otrocih dobro indicirane in pravilno izvedene. Vendar pa strah pred sevanjem ne sme pripeljati do zmanjšane diagnostične točnosti.