Author/Editor     Zakotnik, Branko; Šmid, Lojze; Budihna, Marjan; Lešničar, Hotimir; Šoba, Erika; Furlan, Ladica; Žargi, Miha
Title     Concomitant radiotherapy with mitomycin C and bleomycin compared with radiotherapy alone in inoperable head and neck cancer: final report
Type     članek
Source     Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 5
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 1121-7
Language     eng
Abstract     Purpose: To compare the efficacy of concomitant with mitomycin C and bleomycin in patients with inoperable head and neck carcinoma with radiotherapy alone. Methods and materials: between March 1991 and December 1993, 64 patients with inoperable head and neck carcinoma (41 with oropharyngeal site) were randomized to radiotherapy alone (group A) or radiotherapy combined with simultaneous application of mitomycin C and bleomicyn (group B). In both groups patients were irradiated five times weekly with 2 Gy to a total dose of 66-70 Gy. The planned concomitant treatment in group B was: bleomicyn 5 units twice a week IM, total dose 70 units, mitomicyn C 15 mg/m2 IV after delivery of 10 Gy, and 10 mg/m2 IV on the last day of radiotherapy. To enhance the effect of these two drugs, patients received also nicotinamide, chlorpromazine, and dicoumarol. Becouse significanly better results were achived in arm B for patients with inoperable oropharyngeal carcinoma, the study was closed and such patients were after December 1993 routinely treated with the combinedtherapy (as in arm B). Until October 1996, we treated and follwed up 48 such consecutive patients. Results: Median folow-up of our study patients is 42 monts. Complete remission (CR) rate in group A was 31% and in group B 59% (p=0.04); disease-free survival (DSF) in group A was 8% and in group B 37% (P=0.01); and overall survival (OS) was 7% in group A and 26% in group B (p=0.08). CR rate for patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma was 29% in group A (N=21) and in group B (N=20) (p=0.007); DSF in group A was 10% and in group B 48% (p=0.001); and the OS was 10% in group A and 38% in group B (p=0.019). In patients with inoperable oropharyngeal carcinoma treated after December 1993, complete remission was achieved in 32/48 (67%, 95% CI: 52%-80%). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)