Author/Editor     Vidmar, Ludvik; Trampuž, Andrej
Title     Kožne spremembe pri bolnikih, okuženih s HIV
Translated title     Skin manifestations in HIV infected patients
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 93-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes were among the first recognised clinical manifestations of AIDS. They occur throughout the course of HIV infection and are not associated only with terminal immunodeficiency. More than 90% patients develop skin or mucous membrane conditions at some time during their disease, and in many the skin is the first organ affected (1). Several skin diseases have proved to be sensitive an useful measures by which the progression of HIV-1 infection can be monitored. We discuss several of the cutaneous diseases that occur in HIV-1 infected patients, focusing on the relation between immunodeficiency and cutanceous disease pathogenesis.
Summary     Bolezni kože in sluznic so bile ene prvih prepoznanih kliničnih odražanj pri aidsu. Pojavljajo se lahko skozi ves čas okužbe s HIV in ne le v stadiju končne imunske pomanjkljivosti. Več kot 90% bolnikov ima spremembe na koži ali sluznicah enkrat v poteku HIV-bolezni(1), pri mnogih pa je to prvi organ, ki je prizadet. Mnoge od the sprememb so celo občutljiv in koristen pokazatelj napredovanja HIV bolezni. Opisujemo različne kožne spremembe, ki se pojavljajo pri bolnikih z okužbo HIV01 s poudarkom na povezanosti imunske pomanjkljivosti s patogenezo kožnih obolenj.
Descriptors     HIV INFECTIONS