Author/Editor     Benković, Dunja
Title     Naša iskustva u početnoj rehabilitaciji male implantirane - peringvalno gluhe djece
Translated title     Our experience in commencing rehabilitation of small prelingually deaf children with cochlear implant
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik referatov 1. slovenskega posveta o rehabilitaciji oseb s kohlearnim implantom; 1998 okt 16-17; Maribor. Maribor: Center za sluh in govor,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 115-9
Language     cro
Abstract     During the school year 1997/98 in the preschool department of the SUVAG Polyclinic with the complex program of listening and speech rehabilitation and education, there have been included four prelingually deaf children with cochlear implant and at the age of 4 to 6 years. Rehabilitational and educational procedures have been following the principles of the verbotonal method and developmental patterns of mastering listening and speech in normal hearing children. At the level of speech - in the first year of rehabilitation the emphasis was put on creating the necessity for verbal expression, stimulation, enrichment of all preverbal phases and mastering of imitative words, first words and sentences. At the level of listening - after the phase of detection and distinction of environmental sounds from human voice, we have been training auditory identification of prosody and first words. We want to point out the great importance of the rehabilitation and education out of institution as well as everyday contact, counselling and cooperation with parents. The course of rehabilitation is presented in the case of five years old Toni who is the first prelingually hearing impaired child.with cochlear implant done in Zagreb in 1997.
Descriptors     COCHLEAR IMPLANT