Author/Editor     Hočevar-Boltežar, Irena
Title     The assessment of voice quality after the irradiation for early glottic cancer
Translated title     Ocena glasu po obsevalnem zdravljenju zgodnjega raka glasilk
Type     članek
Source     In: Čudina M, editor. Zbornik referatov 1. kongresa Slovenskega društva za akustiko z mednarodno udeležbo in razstavo; 1998 okt 7-8; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za akustiko,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 359-64
Language     eng
Abstract     Radiation therapy (RT) is generally accepted as a primary treatment modality in early glottic cancer because it results in similar cure rates as surgery and causes less impairment of vocal function. As the evidence of voice quality after RT is scarce, the aim of the study was objective evaluation of the voice of the irradiated patients. The voices (sustained vocal sample) of 50 patients (44 men, 6 women) who were irradiated for T1 (43 patients) or T2 (7 patients) glottic carcinoma were analyzed with Multi- Dimensional Voice Program (Kay Elemetrics) and compared to those of a normal group of 50 age- and sex-matched volunteers. Videoendo-stroboscopy was performed in all iiradiated subjects. The groups did not differ in fundamental frequency and noise-to-harmonic ratio. The patients showed significant higher values for jitter and shimmer than the volunteers. A higher degree of intersubject variability was also noted in the patients. The stroboscopic findings correlated well and indicated a poor vibratory source, characterized by greater stiffness. It appears that the observed stiffness is a result of a diffuse process that affects more of the larynx than the area involved with tumor.