Author/Editor     Janežič, Tomaž
Title     Urgentni ukrepi pri poškodovancih s toploto (termične opekline) - 1. del
Translated title     Emergency management of thermally injured patients (thermal burns) - part 1
Type     članek
Source     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 4. Zbornik 5. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 1998 jun 17-20; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 131-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Therapeutic procedures in emergency management by thermally injured patients should follow the general principles of burns treatment. The history of injury is of utmost importance for the prediction of inhalation injury and other possible concurrent injuries. Cooling of the burn with cold water is very important in first aid. One has to pay particular attention in keeping the patient warm. Following the first aid the emergency management of thermally injured patient consists of establishing and maintaining airway and adequate ventilation, adequate circulation and of initial wound management. CO poisoning and inhalation injury are important to be recognised on time since they may produce respiratory insufficiency. Adequate circulation is established and maintained by means of intravenous infusion of lactated Ringer's solution after the Parkland formula.
Descriptors     BURNS