Author/Editor     Božiček, Franci; Božiček, Vesna
Title     Tim družinske medicine in zdrava šola v Bistrici ob Sotli
Translated title     Team of family medicine and health school in Bistrica ob Sotli - Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 11-12
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 471-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Several years of continuing education for health in primary school in Bistrica ob Sotli through local physician and nurse before and after the inclusion into the Project of European Network of Healthy Schools (ENHS) on the base of which also the preparedness of the school for the entry into ENHS Project has resulted, is presented. After the acceptance into Project there has been a qualitative shift in the relation towards education for health. The quality of collaboration between school and health team has improved owing to new knowledges and aims. School, the project team together with doctor and nurse, and also the locality itself have obtained new options and their significance in a broader environment has increased, which meant an additional stimulation and an important way away from the provincial intimacy. Healthy school has become an opportunity for the saving of youth health of the locality, for the improving of health in the locality and also in the broader environment. For the physician and the nurse, the collaboration in the Project with ideas of healthy school meant a challenge for the searching of new professional possibilities, not only for the education for health in the school but also for the same kind of work with the population "before and after school". Having been active on this field before, the majority of activities needed only to be upgraded. Healthy school could realize its mission only if its ideas will thrive in the collaboraiton with all the responsible for the execution of the Project (among them physician and nurse) and if they will be with time included into thinking and lifestyle of the people in general.
Summary     V prispevku je prikazana večletna vzgoja za zdravje v osnovni šoli Bistrica ob Sotli s strani krajevnega zdravnika in medicinske sestre, pred in po vključitvi v projekt Evropska mreža zdravih šol (EMZŠ), na podlagi katere je zrasla tudi pripravljenost šole za prijavo na razpis za projekt EMZŠ. Po sprejetju v projekt je prišlo pri pedagoških delavcih do kvalitativnega premika v odnosu do vzgoje za zdravje. Zaradi novih znanj in ciljev, ki jim je šola po sprejetju v projekt morala slediti, se je izboljšala kakovost sodelovanja med šolo in zdravstvenim timom. Šoli, projektnemu timu zdrave šole, v katerem sodelujeta tudi zdravnik in medicinska sestra, in tudi kraju širše so se odprle nekatere možnosti. Šola je v širšem okolju postala pomembnejša, kar je bila dodatna spodbuda za pot iz podeželjske intimnosti. Zdrava šola je postala priložnost za ohranjanje zdavja mladih v kraju, za izboljšanje zdravja v kraju pa tudi v širši okolici. Ideje zdrave šole in samo sodelovanje v projektu so zdravniku in medicinski sestri postale izziv za iskanje novih strokovnih možnosti, ne le za vzgojo za zdravje v šoli, ampak tudi za enako delo s populacijo "pred in po šoli". Večino dejavnosti pa sta morala le nadgraditi, saj sta jo izvajala že prej. Svoje poslanstvo pa bo zdrava šola uresničila, če bodo njene ideje rasle v sodelovanju vseh, ki so prevzeli nase odgovornost izvedbe projekta (med njimi sta tudi zdravnik in medicinska sestra) in če bodo sčasoma prerasle v miselnost in življenjski slog ljudi nasploh.
Descriptors     HEALTH PROMOTION