Author/Editor     Unterlechner, Silva
Title     Vpliv dejavnikov na vpis učencev v Srednjo zdravstveno šolo v Mariboru
Translated title     The influence of different factors on the enrollment of students to the High school of nursing in Maribor
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 1-2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 41-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The present research study is based on a questionaire consisting of 20 quenstions. One hundred and thirty-four students of the High School of Nursing Juga Polak in Maribor were investigated. The results are exhaustively presented in the discussion of the questionnaire. Relative importance of the motivation towards the collective, age correlation, status distribution, education of parents, school grades and gender is shown. Dimensions of motives for independence, cooperation and belonging are indicated.
Summary     Raziskava temelji na anketi, ki zajema 20 vprašanj. Anketiranih je bilo 134 dijakov Srednje zdravstvene šole Juge Polak v Mariboru. Rezultati so podrobneje predstavljeni v diskusiji vprašalnika. Prikazana je relativna pomemnost motivov za skupnost, korelacija s starostjo, statusno porazdelitev, izobrazba staršev, učni uspeh in spol. Nakazane so dimenzije motivov neodvisnosti, sodelovanja in pripadnosti.
Descriptors     SCHOOLS, NURSING