Author/Editor     Kogovšek, Danijela
Title     Srečanja s smrtjo in umirajočimi v času šolanja
Translated title     Encounters with death and dying during education process
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 1-2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 49-53
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents the results of a smaller scale research work on death and dying from the point of view of a student of a high school of nursing. The results reveal that surprisingly many of the students have met with death at home or during practical work in their study. The results also point out problems connected with deficient knowledge about death and dying, as well as the problem of piety to the dead in hospitals. It is surprising that meeting with death was a positive experience for life as well as for dealing with death and dying for most of the students. Death and dying should not be a taboo theme neither at home in the family nor in nursing schools, and the least so in the hospitals where students find their jobs.
Summary     Članek predstavlja rezultate krajše raziskave na temo umiranja in smrti s stališča dijakov zdravstvene šole. Rezultati kažejo, da se je izjemno veliko dijakov že srečalo s smrtjo doma ali pri praktičnem pouku v času šolanja. Kažejo tudi na šibke točke glede znanja v zvezi s tem ter problem pietete do umrlih v bolnišnicah. Presenetljivo je, da je večini dijakov srečanje s smrtjo dalo pozitivne izkušnje za življenje ter v zvezi z umiranjem in smrtjo. Umiranje in smrt ne sme biti nedotakljiva tema niti doma v družini niti v zdravstvenih šolah, še najmanj pa v bolnišnica, kjer se dijaki zaposlijo.
Descriptors     EDUCATION, NURSING