Author/Editor     Verovnik, Franc
Title     Naključna zastrupitev z belo čmeriko
Translated title     Accidental poisoining with white hellebore
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. 3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 157-60
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Two cases of accidental poisoning with White Hellebore (Veratrum album L.) are described, due to the confusion with Pannonic Gentian (Gentiana pannonica L.). Both plants often grow side by side on Pohorje. It is easy to confuse them prior to their flowering because of their great similarity. Results. By means of anamnestic and clinical data we suspected that poisoning with herbal alkaloids was in question. The diagnosis was later confirmed by the thin layer chromatography and microscopic analysis of the rhizome in homemade liquor. Atropine is the drug of choice for these poisonings. Conclusions. Both patients did well after the first dramatic stage of poisoning due to adequate therapy, and left the hospital without consequences for their health.
Summary     Izhodišča. Opisana sta dva primera naključne zastrupitve z belo čmeriko (Veratrum album L.), ki sta nastala zaradi zamenjave s panonskim sviščem (Gentiana pannonica L.). Obe rastlini na Pohorju pogosto rasteta na istem mestu. V času pred cvetenjem sta si zelo podobni in ju zlahka zamenjamo. Rezultati. Po anamnezi in klinični sliki smo posumili na zastruptev z rastlinskimi alkaloidi, kar je bilo kasneje potrjeno s tenkoslojno kromatografijo in mikroskopsko preiskavo korenike, namočene v žganje. Atropin je zdravilo izbire pri teh zastrupitvah. Zaključki. Oba bolnika sta po dramatični začetni stopnji zastrupitve ob ustreznem zdravljenju hitro okrevala in zapustila bolnišnico brez posledic za nujno zdravje.
Descriptors     VERATRUM