Author/Editor     Pentek, Metka
Title     Stereotipi o značilnosti starejše populacije
Translated title     The stereotypes about the aged population
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 1-2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 1-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Knowledge of demographic and other characteristics of elderly population is very important, as good knowledge and reliable information render possible an adequate attitude towards aged population. Most frequent myths an false beliefs concerning old people, which are present throughout the world and with us, are mentioned in the contribution. Mentioned are also the facts and activities of the elderly people, which reject these myths. It is necessary to cherish the remarkable value of knowledge and therefore enable a permanent education of all generations about the characteristics of aged people.
Summary     Poznavanje demografskih in drugih značilnosti starejše populacije je zelo pomembno, saj dobro znanje in zanesljive informacije omogočajo koretkten odnos do stare populacije. V sestanku so omenjeni najpogostejši miti in napačna prepričanja o starih ljudeh, ki so prisotna v svetu in pri nas. Omenjena so tudi dejstva ter dejavnosti starejših, ki te mite zavračajo. Zavedati se je treba izredne vrednosti znanja in zato omogočiti nenehno izobraževanje ljudi vseh generacij o značilnostih starih ljudi.
Descriptors     AGED