Author/Editor     Klančar, Janez; Šurlan, Miloš; Ključevšek, Tomaž; Berden, Pavel
Title     Opornice in endoproteze v brachiocefalnih in karotidnih arterijah
Translated title     Endovascular stents in the brachiocephalic and carotid arteries
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 44-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) with stenting is safe and effective procedure to treat subclavian artery occlusive diseases with good long term patency. Occluded vessels do not respond well to PTA. We are reporting our long term follow-up results in 18 patients. Further improvements of ballon catheters and self-expanding stents without or with minimal shortening may increase the success rate of the procedure. The total number of endovascular carotid stent procedure that have been performed world-wide to date included 2048 cases, with a technical success of 98.6%. Complications that occurred during carotid stent placement or within a 30 day period following placement were recorded. Overall, there were 63 minor strokes, with a rate of occurrence of 3.08%. The total number of major strokes was 27, for a rate of 1.32%. There were 28 deaths within a 30 day post-procedure period, resulting in a mortality rate 1,37%. Restenosis rates of carotid stenting have been 4.80% at 6 months. Endovascular stent treatment of subclavian artery obstruction andcarotid artery artherosclerotic disease is growing as an alternative to vascular surgery, especially for patients that are at high risk for standard operation.
Summary     Perkutana transluminalna angioplastika (PTA) z vstavitvijo žilne opornice je varna in učinkovita metoda za zdravljenje zožitev in zapor podključnične arterije, medtem ko s PTA brez žilne opornice dosegamo slabše rezultate. Poročamo o lastnih rezultatih zdravljenja stenoz in zapor podključnične arterije pri 18 bolnikih. Pričakujemo, da bo razvoj balonskih katetrov in samorazteznih žilnih opornic, ki se ne skrajšujejo, še izboljšal uspešnost zdravljenja. Zdravljenje zožitev karotidnih arterij z znotrajžilno opornico je novejša metoda. V svetovni medicinski literaturi je opisanih 2084 vstavitev znotrajžilnih opornic v karotidne arterije. Tehnični uspeh so dosegli v 98,6%. V 30 dneh po posegu so zabeležili 63 manjših možganskih kapi, kar pomeni 3,08% incidenco, in 27 večjih možganskih kapi, kar predstavlja 1,32% incidenco. Umrlo je 28 bolnikov, kar predstavlja 1,37% smrtnost v 30 dneh po posegu. Po 6 mesecih so ugotovili restenozo pri 4,8% bolnikov. Zdravljenje zožitev podključnične arterije in karotidnih arterij z vstavljanjem znotrajžilne opornice se v čedalje večjem številu uporablja namesto klasičnega kirurškega zdravljenja zlasti pri bolnikih, za katere operacija predstavlja večje tveganje.