Author/Editor     Šurlan, Miloš; Klokočovnik, Tomislav; Kovačič, Nace; Ključevšek, Tomaž
Title     Aortna endoproteza - izvedba posega, zgodnji in pozni zapleti, lastne izkušnje in uspešnost metode
Translated title     Early an late complications after placement of aortic endoprostheses
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 83-91
Language     slo
Abstract     Aortic endoprostheses can be calssified by shape, material and site of application. Their shape can be tubular or bifurcational. Tubular endoprostheses are used for treatmentof thoracic aortic aneurysms and to a lesser degree for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Aortic endoprostheses are made of a metallic support and of the prosthesis. The metallic support is made of stainless steel or of nitinol. The prosthesis is made of dacron fabric or polytetrafluoreethylene. The metallic part anchors the endoprosthesis above and below the aneurysm without surgical sutures and keeps the endoprosthesis expanded. The procedure of positioning an endoprosthesis for treatment of a thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm is described. The possible complications are discussed and the mechanism of internal leakage is described. Two patients with aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta who have been successfully treated by endoprosthesis in our institution are described. The first patient had a pseudoaneurysm that caused hoarseness, and the second patient had a deformation of a previously placed endoprosthesis with internal leakage. We have evaluated the usefulness of aortic endoprostheses according to our own results and according to the published literature.
Summary     Aortne endoproteze delimo po obliki, mestu aplikacije in po materialu, iz katerega so zgrajene. Po obliki so tubularne ali razcepiščne. Prve uporabljamo za premoščanje anevrizem prsne aorte in redkeje trebušne aorte. Anevrizme trebušne aorte večinoma premoščamo z razcepiščno endoprotezo. Aortne endoproteze so zgrajene iz opornega kovinskega dela in proteze. Oporni del je narejen iz nerjavečega jekla ali nitinola. Proteza je iz tkanine dakrona ali politetrafluoretilena. Oporni del pritrdi protezo na neprizadeti del aorte nad in pod anevrizmo namesto šivov. Protezo razpre in ji daje oporo. Natančno je opisan postopek uvajanja endoproteze in premoščanja anevrizme prsne in trebušne aorte. Prikazani so možni zapleti in natančno je opisan mehanizem notranjega puščanja in njegovo ugotavljanje. Predstavljena sta dva bolnika z anevrizmo descendentnega dela prsne aorte, ki sta bila uspešno zdravljena v naši ustanovi: prvi zaradi psevdoanevrizme, ki je povročala hripavost, drugi pa zaradi drugega poznega zapleta z deformacijo endoproteze in notranjim puščanjem po dvakratnem zdravljenju z endoprotezo v tujini. V zaključku smo poskušali na osnovi prikazanega in objavljenih rezultatov oceniti vrednost metode.