Author/Editor     Curtin-Savard, Arthur J; Parker, William; Vuong, Te; Podgoršak, Ervin B
Title     Intensity-modulated radiotherapy with a multileaf collimator
Translated title     Z večlistnim kolimatorjem modulirana jakost polj v radioterapiji
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 163-8
Language     eng
Abstract     In intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), a small number of spatially-modulated beam ports is used to deliver a uniformly high dose to the target region, while simultaneously producing a better sparing of normal tissues than is possible with conventional, non-modulated beam delivery. When intensity-modulation is carried out with a multileaf collimator rather than with physical compensators, any required intensity pattern can be produced with a minimal planning effort on the part of the physicist or dosimetrist, and with reduced manipulation on the part of the therapists. The paper describes the recent implementation of multileaf collimator based intensity-modulated radiation therapy at McGill University in Montreal.
Summary     V radioterapiji uravnavamo enakomerno visoke doze v tarči z modulirano jakostjo polj, pri čemer potrebujemo le majhno število prostorsko moduliranih sevalnih polj. S to tehniko lažje ohranimo normalno tkivo kot z običajnim nemoduliranim obsevanjem. Po modulaciji z večlistnim kolimatorjem fizik, dozimetrist in radioterapevt lažje in z manj manipuliranja z aparaturami dosežejo zaželeno porazdelitev polja kot z običajnim fizičnim kompenzatorjem. Članek opisuje pred kratkim vpeljano tehniko modulacije jakosti sevalnega polja s pomočjo večlistnega kolimatorja na Univerzi McGill v Montrealu.
Descriptors     RADIOTHERAPY