Author/Editor     Škrlj, Milan
Title     Droge in surovine za njihovo izdelavo
Translated title     Narcotic drugs and raw - material for their production
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 5-6
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 219-25
Language     slo
Abstract     With minor exceptions, for illegal production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, chemical substances, which are available on legal market for chemical industry or general use are indispensable. The adoption of the UN Convention against illicit trade of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, 1988, the monitoring of chemicals used for illegal production of narcotics in international trade was introduced to prevent diversions for illegal purposes. 22 substances are actually under international control. Nevertheless, the control may be extended to other substances which could be, as substitutes, used for these purposes. As heroin, cocain and amphetamine-type stimulants are the most abused drugs, the most strict control measures were applied on precursors for their production.
Summary     Z majhnimi izjemami so za izdelavo mamil in psihotropnih snovi potrebne kemijske surovine ki so na legalnem trgu namenjene kemijski industriji ali splošni rabi. S sprejemom konvencije proti prepovedani trgovini z mamili in psihotropnimi snovmi iz leta 1988 se je začel izvajati tudi mednarodni nadzor nad prometom s temi snovmi z namenom, da bi preprečili njihov odtok za ilegalne namene. Pod mednarodnim nadzorom je sedaj 22 kemikalij. Vendar se nadzor lahko razširi tudi nad druge snovi, ki bi se kot nadomestki lahko uporabile za takšne namene. Ker je najbolj razširjena zloraba in s tem nezakonita izdelava heroina, kokaina in poživil amfetaminskega tipa, se nadzor najintenzivneje izvaja nad surovinami, ki služijo za njihovo izdelavo.
Descriptors     SUBSTANCE ABUSE