Author/Editor     Groell, Reinhard; Reinmueller, Rainer; Uggowitzer, MM; Kugler, Christian; Stauber, RE; Fickert, Peter
Title     When do heterogeneous splenic enhancement patterns occur in contrast-enhanced CT studies of abdomen?
Translated title     Kdaj se pri slikanju trebušne votline s kontrastom pri računalniški tomografiji ojačijo heterogeni vzorci v vranici?
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 199-205
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. This study determines when heterogeneous splenic enhancement patterns occur in contrast-enhanced CT in patients with and without liver cirrhosis. Patients and methods. Electron-beam CT of the abdomen was performed in 195 patients following intra- venous injection of contrast agent according to one of three injection protocols (protocol 1: n=132,120 ml, 2 ml/sec, scan delay: 50 sec; protocol 2: n=30, 90 ml, 3 ml/sec, scan delay:10 sec; protocol 3: n=33, 50 ml, 5 ml/sec, scan delay:10 sec). Thirty four of these patients had liver cirrhosis. Results. A heterogeneous splenic enhancement pattern was observed in 77% (protocol 2) and 65% (protocol 3) of the patients without liver disease and in 23 % (protocol 2) and 20% (protocol 3) of the patients with liver cirrhosis. A heterogeneous enhancement pattern was visible between 14 and 58 sec after the administration of contrast agent. In all patientgroups and protocols it never occurred later than 58 sec following the contrast agent application. Three patients had a splenic lesion (hemangioma, lymphoma, metastasis), these lesions were also visible after 58 sec following the injection. Conclusions. These results indicate that heterogeneous splenic enhancement patterns do not occur later than 58 sec after the contrast agent injection, even when the contrast agent is still being injected at that time.
Summary     Izhodišča. V študiji smo ugotavljali, kdaj se pri računalniški tomografiji trebušne votline s kontrastom pri bolnikih z diagnostično potrjeno cirozo jeter in pri osebah brez takšne diagnoze ojačijo heterogeni vzorci v vranici. Bolniki in metode. Računalniško tomografijo trebušne votline z elektronskim snopom smo izvedli po vbrizganem kontrastu pri 195 bolnikih. Vbrizgavanja kontrastnega sredstva smo opravili v skladu s tremi protokoli: protokol 1 (n=132,120 ml, 2 ml/sek, slikanje po 50 sek), protokol 2 (n=30, 90 ml, 3 ml/sek, slikanje po 10 sek) in protokol 3 (n=33, 50 ml, 5 ml/sek, slikanje po 10 sek). Od teh bolnikov jih je 34 imelo cirozo jeter. Rezultati. Ojačenje heterogenih vzorcev v vranici smo opazili pri 77% bolnikov (protokol 2) in pri 65% bolnikov (protokol 3) z zdravimi jetri, ter pri 23% (protokol 2) in 20% (protokol 3) bolnikov s cirozo jeter. Ojačani heterogeni vzorci so postali vidni med 14 in 48 sek po vbrizganju kontrasta. Pri nobeni od skupin bolnikov in ob nobenem protokolu se ojačenje ni pojavilo kasneje kot v 48 sek po vbrizgu kontrastnega sredstva. Pri treh bolnikih smo odkrili lezije v vranici (hemangiom, limfom, metatstaze), ki so ostale vidne tudi 50 sek po vbrizgu kontrasta. Zaključki. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da ojačenje heterogenih vzorcev nastopi v času 50 sek po začetku vbrizgavanja kontrastnega sredstva. V enakem času nastopi ojačenje heterogenih vzorcev tudi v primerih ko kontrast še vbrizgavamo.
Descriptors     SPLENOMEGALY