Author/Editor     Auer, Vladimir
Title     Alkoholna psihoza: predstavitev primera in zgodovinski pregled
Translated title     Alcohol psychosis: a case report and historic review
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. 9
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 481-3
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. A young woman suffering from alcohol-induced psychotic disorder and a differential considerations towards schizophrenic disorder are presented in the article. In psychiatry, history is even more imoprtant due to diagnosis as in other branches of medicine. In the described case nuances in contents of hallucinations and delusions, in clinical picture and heteroanamnestic data, acquired in the absence of the patient, were important in the diagnostic process. Blood examination (gamma GT, transaminases) has decisively contributed to the diagnosis - otherwise not a frequent solution in psychiatry. Conclusions. Differentiation between alcoholic and schizophrenic psychosis has important therapeutic and prognostic consequences. Having had some atypical characteristics (first of all gender and age of the patient) our case at last proved itself as an alcohol psychosis with entirely good outcome.
Summary     Izhodišča. Predstavljen je primer bolnice z alkoholno psihozo in diferencialna diagnoza do shizofrenskega kroga bolezni. V psihiatriji je anamneza še v veliko večji meri kljču do diagnoze kot v drugih vejah medicine. V prikazanem primeru so bili za diagnozo pomembni odtenki v vsebini halucijacij in blodenj, v spremljajoči klinični sliki ter objektivni heteroanamnestični podatki, pridobljeni tudi v odsotnosti bolnice. K potrditvi diagnoze je odločilno prispevala preiskava krvi (gama GT, transaminaze), kar v psihiatriji sicer ni pogosta možnost. Zaključki. Razlikovanje med alkoholno in shizofrensko psihozo ima pomembne terapevtske in prognostične posledice. Ob nekaterih netipičnih značilnostih (predvsem spolu in starosti bolnice) se je v našem primeru vendarle izkazalo, da je šlo za alkoholno psihozo s polnim izboljšanjem.