Author/Editor     Čebulj-Kadunc, N; Cestnik, V
Title     Dnevne spremembe koncentracij trijodtironina (T3) in tiroksina (T4) pri ovcah jezersko-solčavske pasme med brejostjo in v poporodnem obdobju
Translated title     Daily changes of triiodotyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations in ewes of the Jezersko-Solchava breed during pregnancy and postpartum period
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 67-77
Language     slo
Abstract     Circadian T3 and T4 fluctuations were determined in the ewes of the Jezersko-Solchava breed during pregnancy or postpartum period and compared with the fluctuations in barren ewes. The concentrations of both hormones were determined by using RIA. Although the differences in T3 and T4 concentrations were determined between the pregnant or postpartum and barren ewes, the course of the daily fluctuations was equal in the both groups. The circadian T3 pattern was determined with high values in the morning and in the evening and with low ones in the late morning and at night. The T4 values in the early morning and in the evening are also higher then in the late morning and at night, but the daily fluctuations were insignificant.
Summary     Pri ovcah jezersko-solčavske pasme smo ugotavljali dnevno bioritmiko T3 in T4 med brejostjo in v poporodnem obdobju ter opravili primerjave z bioritmiko pri jalovih ovcah. Vsebnost obeh hormonov smo določali z metodo RIA. Čeprav smo med brejimi ovcami oz. ovcami po porodu in jalovimi ovcami ugotovili razlike v vsebnosti T3 in T4, je bil potek njune cirkadiane bioritmike pri vseh skupinah ovc enak. Ugotovili smo, da se vsebnost T3 spreminja po cirkadianem vzorcu z visokimi vrednostimi zjutraj in zvečer ter nizkimi dopoldne in ponoči. Tudi vsebnost T4 je bila zjutraj in zvečer višja kot dopoldne in ponoči, vendar pa so bila dnevna nihanja vsebnosti T4 neznačilna.
Descriptors     THYROXINE