Author/Editor     Ravnikar, Maja; Dreo, Tanja; Grum, Mateja; Blatnik, Aleš; Marinšek-Logar, Romana; Avguštin, Gorazd; Potočnik, Andrej; Petrovič, Nataša
Title     Pomen uporabe različnih laboratorijskih metod pri rutinskem testiranju karantenske bakterije Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Smith
Translated title     Importance of use different laboratory methods in routine testing of potato brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Smith)
Type     članek
Source     In: Maček J, editor. Zbornik predavanj in referatov 4. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin; 1999 mar 3-4; Portorož. Ljubljana: Društvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije,
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 349-52
Language     slo
Abstract     In order to prevent the introduction and spread of quarantine phytopathogenic bacteria causel agent of potato brown rot in Slovenia, we have developed a routine laboratory testing scheme, for seed and ware potato, which complete visual inspection of potato tubers and plants at sites of import as well as in the fields. In laboratory testing procedure all methods recommended by EPPO are used Applied standard methods include serological techniques as ELISA and IF, growth of bacteria on semiselective and nonselective nutrient media and use of tomato and eggplant as test plants For quicker and more reliable confirmation of results, detection of bacterial DNA with PCR and determination of fatty acid profil with gas chromatography were introduced.
Descriptors     POTATOES