Author/Editor     Kocjančič, Boštjan; Beden, Robert; Stankovski, Vlado; Smrke, Dragica
Title     Ali prisotnost bolezni in sodelovanje bolnika vpliva na rehabilitacijsko dobo po vgraditvi kolčne endoproteze?
Translated title     Does the presence of diseases and the patients co-operation influence the length of rehabilitation after the implantation of hip endoprosthesis?
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 7-8
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 243-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The influence of certain diseases and the patient's cooperation on the rehabilitation period aher implantation of hip endoprosthesis were evaluated. The files of patients that were treated betwpen /anuary 1988 and December 1996 with the implantation of the hip endoprosthesis at the Department of Traumatology University Medical Centre in Ljubljana were used in the research. Files of 393 patients (124 with total hip endoprosthesis and 269 with biarticular partial endoprosthesis) were included in the research. The result show that the hospitalisation time is statistically significantly shorter if the patient co-operates. The period aher the operation in which the patient is able to sit, stand up and walk independently are significantly shorter if the patient co-operares. Our results show that certain diseases may prolong the rehabilitation period and among them pulmonary diseases are in the first place. Aher the implantation of hip endoprosthesis a special care is needed for non-cooperative patients. As the treatmrnt of associated diseases could be problematic in the aged patients, the co-peration of these patients is even more important. The instructions for treating of such patients have been formulated at the end.
Summary     V prispevku smo ocenili vpliv prisotnosti določenih bolezni in sodelovanja bolnika na rehabilitacijsko dobo po zdravljenju dislociranega zloma stegneničnega vratu s kolčno endoprotezo. Pregledali smo klinične popise bolnikov, ki so bili zdravljeni v obdobju od januarja 1988 do decembra 1966 z implantacijo kolčne endoproteze na Kliničnem oddelku za travmatologijo Klinični center Ljubljana. V raziskavo smo vključili 393 oseb (124 s totalno kolčno endoprotezo in 269 z bipolamo parcialno enrlopretezo). Rezultati spremljanja v bolnišnici kažejo da je trajanje hospitalizacije statistično pomembno krajše, če je bolnik sodeloval. Ob sodelovanju bolnika so značilno krajša tudi obdobja po operativnem posegu, pri katerih je bolnik začel sedeti, vstajati in samostojno hoditi ob opori. Naši rezultati kažejo pomemben vpliv določenih bolezni na rehabilitacijsko dobo tako, da jo podaljšajo. Največji vpliv na dolžino rehabilitacije imajo pljučne bolezni. Na podlagi naših rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da je pri implantaciji kolčnene endoproteze po dislociranem medialnem zlomu stegneničnega vratu potrebna posebna skrb za bolnike, ki ne sodelujejo. Večkrat ni mogoče ozdraviti spremljajoče bolnikove bolezni, zato je skrb za sodelovanje takšnega bolnika še toliko pomembnejša.
Descriptors     HIP PROSTHESIS