Author/Editor     Urh, Irma
Title     Strategija proti kajenju v nosečnosti
Translated title     Strategy against smoking during pregnancy
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 9-10
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 397-401
Language     slo
Abstract     Smoking during pregnancy is related to low physiologic and intellectual development of the foetus (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Smoking cessation is a process. Physiologically, a woman experiences significant symptoms if she reduces her intake or stops smoking. The work deak with the program of smoking cessation during pregnancy which is based on the Betty Neuman's "Health care" theory. On the primary level of prevention we try to discover which stress situations pregnant women are exposed to with the purpose to create a successful program of help. On the secondary we are concentrated on the early discovering and treating of symptoms. Tertiary prevention includes readaptation and reeducation. The state policy orienterl against smoking during pregnancy and other circumstances influence the success of the program.
Summary     Kajenje v nosečnosti škoduje rasti in razvoju ploda ter poveča tveganje za motnje v psihološkem in intelektualnem razvoju (1, 2, 3 4, S, 6). Opustitev kajenja je proces, ki ga spremljajo simptomi odvisnosti. Članek predstavlja program opuščanja kajenja v nosečnosti, ki temelji na teoriji "Zdravstvenega varstva" Betty Neuman. Na primami ravni preventive odkrivamo, katerim stresnim situacijam je nosečnica izpostavljena, zato da bi oblikovali primeren načrt pomoči. Sekundarna preventiva zajema zgodnje odkrivanje primerov in zdravljenje simptomov terciama pa vključuje readaptacijo in reedukacijo. Na uspešnost programa med drugimi dejavniki vpliva proti kajenju usmerjena družbena naravnanost.