Author/Editor     Kranjc, Pavel
Title     Pogled bolnika z multiplo sklerozo na vodenje zdravstvene obravnave
Translated title     How a patient with multiple sclerosis sees the management of medical treatment
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 9-10
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 416-8
Language     slo
Abstract     The view concerning medical treatment of the patient with multiple sclerosis has a wider extent and is less personal, owing to the authors 12 years active work at the Society for multiple sclerosis. Roughly, this view is divided in 4 degrees connected with the onset of the disease, a mixture of willingness to work and periods of excessive tiredness, hesitation between persistency at the working activity. At each of these degrees patients certainly expect an adequate medical treatment, wich should not be narrowly limited only to the diagnosis and basic treatment, but should have a wider extent depending on patient (inclusion of psychologist, maybe therapeutist, physiotherapist and - for young patients - also a counsellor for the help of choosing a convenient vocation etc.).
Summary     Pogled na zdravstveno obravnavo bolnika z MS je zaradi 12-letnega osebnega aktivnega dela v društvu MS prepeten, je širši in zato manj osebnostno obarvan. V grobem ga delimo na 4 stopnje, vezane na pojavnost bolezni, mešanico volje do dela ob pojavih prekomerne utrudljivosti, kolebanjem med vztrajanjem na delovnem mestu in skrajšanim delovnim časom in čas, ko nismo več delovno aktivni. Znotraj vsake od teh stopenj seveda pričakujemo primerno zdravstveno obravnavo, ki pa ne sme biti omejena ozko na diagnosticiranje in osnovno zdravljenje, ampak naj bo čirša, odvisno od pacienta (vključitev psihologa, morda terapevta, fizioterapevta, pri mladih svetovalca za izbiro primernega poklica itd.).