Author/Editor     Ahčan, Uroš; Arnež, Zoran M
Title     Kirurško zdravljenje malignih epitelijskih tumorjev kože
Translated title     Surgical treatment of malignant epithelial skin tumors
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. S86-91
Language     slo
Abstract     Skin tumors are considered one of the most common neoplasms in humans. They can be benign, premalignant or malignant. Most often they occur on photodamaged skin in ederly population. The most important malignant tumors are the basal and the squamous cell carcinoma. if untreated, they cause large local tissue destruction. Early and accurate diagnosis and early surgical removal of tumor togeher with histological verification of th etumor and surgical margins ensure efficient treatment and good aesthetic results. Skin tumors should always be excised to healthy margins (tumor-free tissue). When there is no tenson int ewoound primary wound closure shoould be performed by interrupted sutures or continuous intradermal suture. When the skin defect after tumor excision is small split or full thickness skin grafts or local rotation and transposition flaps are used for coverage. Large defect are covered by distant or free flaps. The flap transfer usually leaves a secondary defect which is closed either by direct suture or covered by a skin graft.
Summary     Kožni tumorji spadajo med najpogostejše novotvorbe pri človeku. Delimo jih v tri skupine: benigni, predmaligni in maligni kožni tumorji. Zlasti na obrazu starejših ljudi se pojavijo značilne kožne spremembe, ki so posledica kronološke starosti bolnika in škodljivih zunanjih dejavnikov, zlasti solarno-klimatskih učinkov. Med malignimi tumorji sta najpomembnejša bazalno in spinalno celični karcinom, ki nezdravljena povzročata hudo lokalno uničenje tkiva. Hitra in pravilna diagnoza ter čimprejšnja kirurška odstranitev s histološko preiskavo omogoča učnkovito zdravljenje z dobrim estetskim rezultatom. Rano po eksciziji tumorja neposredno zašijemo s posameznimi ali tekočim intradermalnim šivom. Majhne kožne vrzeli pokrijemo s prostimi presadki kože različne debeline ali lokalnimi transpozicijskimi in rotacijskimi naključnimi kožnimi režnji. Pri velikih tkivnih vrzelih pa je potrebna rekonstrukcija z vezanimi režnji ali prostim prenosom tkiv.
Descriptors     SKIN NEOPLASMS