Author/Editor     Dobovišek, Jurij
Title     Hipertenzivna okvara srca - pomen ehokardiografije
Translated title     Hypertensive cardiac damage - value of echocardiography
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 6
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 40-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Echocardiography is widely accepted as the most useful noninvasive method for the assessment of cardiac consequences of hypertension. In clinical practice hypertensive heart disease is defined usually by the presence of significant change of morphology, i. e. one of the patterns of left ventricular hypertrophy. The increased left ventricular mass over 124 g/m2 of the body surface detected by guided M-mode echocardiogaphy which is still the leading standard for geometrically unchanged ventricle is strongly suggesting left ventricular hypertrophy. Using the ultrasound method the morphology of the left atrium, diastolic function of the left and right ventricle, systolic function and cardiac output can be estimated as well.
Summary     Ehokardiografija je najuporabnejša neinvazivna preiskava srca za ugotavljanje posledic arterijske hipertenzije. O hipertenzivni srčni bolezni v klinični praksi govorimo, ko ugotovimo značilno morfološko spremembo hipertenzije na srcu, tj. eno od oblik hipertrofije levega prekata. Za hipertrofijo levega prekata govori zvečanje njegove mase nad 124 g/m2 telesne površine, določene z vodenim enodimenzionalnim ehokardiogramom levega prekata, ki je še vedno standardna metoda pri geometrično pravilnem prekatu. Z ultrazvočno metodo ocenjujemo tudi morfologijo levega preddvora, diastolično funkcijo levega in desnega prekata, sistolično funkcijo ter minutni volumen srca.
Descriptors     HYPERTENSION