Author/Editor     Kreft, Marko; Kreft, Samo
Title     Computer aided three-dimensional reconstruction of the buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seed morphology
Type     članek
Source     Zb Bioteh Fak Univ Ljublj - Kmetijstvo 1990
Vol. and No.     Letnik 73
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 331-6
Language     eng
Abstract     The position, shape and size of the embryo in buckwheat seed were not yet resolved, although they were studied by several authors. In this study we used computer aided three-dimensional reconstruction to analyse the two-dimensional images obtained by progressively grinding the seeds. We found out, that in the proximal part, the cotyledons are double curved and they reach the testa only with their margins. In the distal part, the two cotyledons extend tightly by the testa. In some seeds the cotyledons form a spiral in a clockwise direction and in the others in anticlockwise direction. The variability of the embryo proper length is much higher than the variability of the seed length. The embryo proper length was found to be in a range of 31- 56 % of the seed length (in average 42%).
Summary     Položaj, oblika in velikost kalčka v semenih ajde doslej še niso bili določeni, čeprav jih je raziskovalo že več avtorjev. V tej raziskavi smo s pomočjo računalniške tridimenzionalne rekonstrukcije obdelali podatke dvodimenzionalnih slik, ki smo jih posneli med zaporednim brušenjem semen. Ugotovili smo, da sta klična lista v proksimalnem delu semena dvakrat ukrivljena, z robovi pa se le dotakneta semenske ovojnice. V distalnem delu se klična lista razprostirata tesno ob semenski ovojnici. V nekaterih semenih tvorita klična lista spiralo v smeri urinega kazalca pri drugih pa v nasprotni smeri. Variabilnost dolžine osi kalčka je mnogo večja od variabilnosti dolžine semena. Dolžina kalčka je od 31 % do 56 % dolžine semena (v povprečju 42%).
Descriptors     CEREALS