Author/Editor     Turk, Martina; Rupnik, Maja
Title     Isolation and characterization of Clostridium difficile from children up to 24 months of age
Translated title     Izolacija in karakterizacija bakterije Clostridium difficile pri otrocih starih do 24 mesecev
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. 3
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 13-21
Language     eng
Abstract     The prevalence and the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile in stools of hospitalized children aged less than two years was studied. Out of 186 stool specimens received from eight different centers in Slovenia, 15 (8.1%) were positive for the C. diffcile culture. From the positive samples, 41 strains were isolated. Thirty-six strains (87%) were toxinogenic and five were not. All the strains were typed by serotyping and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole cell proteins (PAGE). They were distributed among 8 different serogroups and 7 different PAGE profiles. In the toxinogenic strains, the toxin genes were typed with PCR amplification and enzymatic restrictions. The majority of strains exhibited the same toxinotype 0, except five strains (all from the same stool sample) that were toxinotype VIII. These results suggest that the overall prevalence of C. difficile among hospitalized children is low and that no epidemic strain is observed.
Summary     Proučevali smo pogostnost in epidemiologijo bakterije Clostridium difficile pri hospitaliziranih otrocih starih manj kot dve leti. C. difficile smo izolirali iz 15 (8.1 %) izmed 186 vzorcev blata, prejetih iz osmih različnih bolnišnic. Iz pozitivnih vzorcev smo izolirali skupno 41 sevov. Šestintrideset sevov (87%) je bilo toksinogenih in pet sevov netoksinogenih. Vse seve smo tipizirali s serološko tipizacijo in poliakrilamidno gelsko elektroforezo celičnih proteinov (PAGE). Seve smo uvrstili v 8 različnih seroloških skupin in 7 različnih skupin glede na proteinski profil. Pri toksinogenih sevih smo tipizirali tudi toksinske gene, tako da smo določene predele genov pomnožili s PCR in jih rezali z restrikcijskimi encimi. Večino sevov smo uvrstili v toksinotip 0, pet sevov (vse iz istega vzorca) pa v toksinotip VIII. Naši rezultati kažejo, da je prekuženost s C. difficile pri hospitaliziranih otrocih nizka ter da ne prevladuje noben epidemijski sev.