Author/Editor     Iglič, Aleš; Batista, Urška; Veranič, Peter
Title     Reorganization of microtubules in V-79 cells after treatment with cytohalasin B
Translated title     Razporejanje mikrotubulov v celicah V-79 po delovanju citohalazina B
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. 4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 297-301
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. The aim of this work was to study the configuration of the microtubules in the cytochalasin B treated V-79 cells in connection to the cell shape and to see whether there are any similarities to the phenomena taking place in phospholipid vesicles. Subjects and methods. An experiment was performed where cytochalasin B was added to the V-79 cells (lung fibroblasts of Chinese hamster). Results. The cell shape changed from an elongated one into the shape with a profile resembling the Greek letter phi. The microtubules were found to be organized into a rod within the symmetry axis of the cell. Conclusion. As similar shapes were previously observed also in the phospholipid vesicles with entrapped microtubule rods, our results support the hypothesis that similar physical mechanisms may pertain in simple systems as well as in living cells.
Summary     Izhodišča. V tej raziskavi smo proučevali razporeditev mikrotubulov celicah V-79 po delovanju citohalazina B. Poleg njihove oblike smo poskušali ugotoviti, ali je ta pojav v čemer koli podoben dogajanjem v fosfolipidnih mehurčkih. Material in metode. Opravili smo preiskus s citohalazinom B, ki smo ga dodali celicam V 79 (pljučni fibroblasti kitajskega hrčka). Rezultati. Oblika celice se je spremenila iz podolgovate v obliko, katere profil je podoben grški črki fi. Mikrotubuli so se uredili v palico v simetrijski osi celice. Zaključek. Ker so podobne oblike pred tem opazili tudi pri fosfolipidnih mehurčkih, ki so vsebovali paličasto strukturo iz mikrotubulov, prikazani rezultati podpirajo hipotezo, da so podobni fizikalni mehanizmi prisotni v preprostih sistemih kot tudi v živih celicah.
Descriptors     CELLS, CULTURED