Author/Editor     Mušič, Ema; Eržen, Renato
Title     Ali potrebujemo obnovo smernic pri obravnavi bolnikov z okužbami na spodnjih dihalih?
Translated title     Is there a need for revision of the guidelines for the management of patients with lower respiratory tract infections?
Type     članek
Source     Krka Med Farm Supl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 20, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 47-56
Language     slo
Abstract     On the mode of other countries and to ensure rational pharmacotherapy and pharmacoeconamics in the treatment of respiratory tract infections; Slovenian guidelines for the diagnostics and management of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and acute in infectious exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseas (AECOPD) were issued in 1997. In the following two years, the etiology of these conditions and antibiotic sensitivity of the causative micro-organisms were follewed and analysed and the data obtained compared with data relating to the situation in comporable environments. A discussion was opened on a national level, addressing certain changes or improvements of the Guidelines for the management of respiratory infections.This paper deals with the fundamental issues of drawing up Guidelines for the management of CAP and AECOPD. Special emphasis has been placed on out-patient treatment and recommendations relating to indications for hospital admittance.
Summary     Po zgledih v svetu in z namenom zagotoviti racionalno farmakoterapijo in farmakoekonomiko zdravljenja okužb na dihalih smo leta 1997 izdali priporočila za diagnostiko in zdravljenje zunajbolnišnične pljučnice (ZBP) in akutne infektivne eksacerbacije kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni (AEKOPB). Dve leti zatem smo spremljali etiologijo teh stanj in občutljivost povzročiteljev za antibiotike pri nas ter podatke (primerjali s stanji v primerljivih okoljih drugod. Začenjamo nacionalno razpravo o spremembah oz. dopolnitvah priporočil za antibiotično zdravljenje okužb na dihalih. V prispevku so navedena izhodišča priporočil, za zdravljenje zunajbolnišnične pljučnice in akutnih eksacerbacij kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni. Poudarek je na ambulantnem zdravljenju in na priporočilih, kdaj bolnika hospitalizirati.