Author/Editor     Hostnik, P; Bidovec, A
Title     Sodobne metode zatiranja stekline - deset let peroralnega cepljenja lisic v Sloveniji
Translated title     The modern methods eradication of rabies - ten years of rabies control by oral vaccination of foxes in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 36, št. 2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 235-42
Language     slo
Abstract     The comparative analysis of results an oral vaccinations using a two different methods were performed. In first case the baits were laid hand and vaccinal area was spred step by step in second case the baits were destributed by planes on whole country. The better results were evident when baits were destributed by plane. One year before start of vaccination in 1994 the 2632 samples were tested and 842 (31.9%) positive cases were found out. In the year 1997 only 29 (2.28%) rabies cases were found. The same trend continued also in year 1998.
Summary     Opravili smo primerjalno analizo rezultatov peroralne vakcinacije lisic pri dveh različnih metodah razmeščanja cepiva. V prvem primeru so bile vabe položene ročno. Področje cepljenja se je postopno širilo. V drugem primeru Ša so bile vabe razmeščene z letali na celotnem področju Slovenije. Razmeščanje vab z letali se je izkazalo kot uspešnejše. V letu pred začetkom cepljenja je bilo ugotovljeno 842 (31,9%) pozitivnih primerov stekline od 2632 preiskanih vzorcev v prvem polletju leta 1998 pa je doseglo 2,4% (11/458) delež pozitivnih živali.
Descriptors     RABIES