Author/Editor     Fokter, Samo K
Title     Zaapnelost rotatorne manšete ramenskega sklepa
Translated title     Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. I-21-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Calcifying tendinitis is a common cause for shoulder pain. It is characterized by multifocal, cell-mediated calcification of a tendon, that is usually followed by spontaneous phagocytic resorbtion. Patients without improvement after months of conservative treatment and those with recurrence of the acute pain are treated with surgical removal of the calcium deposits. This retrospective study was designed to determine the one- to six-year outcome of surgery for this disease. Methods. Patients were considered eligible for this study is they had clinical and radiographic evidence of calcifying tendinitis of the shoulderm failed in symptomatic treatment and underwent surgical removal of the calcium deposits at our institution from 1992 to including 1997. The results were graded according the UCLA criteria. Results. Excellent or good result (UCLA > 27 scores from 35 possible) was achieved in 25 out of 31 treated patients (80.6%). Conclusions. Surgical treatment of patients with calcifying tendinitis in whom conseravtive treatment failed, mostly results in pain relief. The results are worse in workers' compensation cases.
Summary     Izhodišča. Zaapnelost tetiv je pogost vzrok za bolečino v ramenu. Zanj je značilna multifokalna, celično pogojena kacifikacija tetiv rotatorne manšete, ki ji običjano sledi sointana fagocitična resorpcija. Bolnike, pri katerih dosegamo izboljšanja po več mesecih konzervativnega zdravljenja in tiste s ponavljajočo se akutno bolečino, zdravimo z operativno odstranitvijo kalcinacij. Pričujoča restrospektivna študija prikazuje rezultate tovrstnega zdravljenja kalcificirajočega tendinitisa z opazovalno dobo enega do šestih let. Metode. V študijo smo zajeli vse bolnike, ki so imeli klinične in radiološke znake za kalcificirajoči tendinitis ramena, pri katerih ni prišlo do izboljšanja po simptomatskem zdravljenju in so bili zdravljeni z odprto kirurško odstranitvijo kalcinatov v naši ustanovi v letih od 1992 do vključno 1997. Rezultate smo vrednotili s pomočjo meril UCLA. Rezultati. Dober ali odličen rezultat (UCLA > 27 od 35 možnih točk) je doseglo 25 od 31 zdravljenih bolnikov (80,6%). Zaključki. S kirurškim zdravljenjem bolnikov, pri katerih je bilo konzervativno zdravljenje neuspešno, večinoma uspemo odpraviti bolečino. Rezultati so slabši pri tistih, ki imajo nerešen problem na delovnem mestu.
Descriptors     SHOULDER JOINT