Author/Editor     Koser-Kolar, Nataša; Arzenšek, Jože
Title     Pomen društva psoriatikov pri razreševanju psihosocialnih težav bolnikov z luskavico
Translated title     The significance of the psoriasis society in solving psycho-social difficulties of patients with psoriasis
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. II-35-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Psoriasis is a genetically conditioned chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is most often characterized by well-limited erythromatous foci of various size and shape, covered with silver-grey scales. Psoriasis pursues the patients all his life, either in a clinically manifested or hidden (latent) form. It affects the patient's physical health as well as his mental and social state, not to mention the effect on the everyday life. Despite diligent scientific research focused on psoriasis, this disease still cannot be considered completely curable. Conclusions. Besides organized medical care the person suffering from psoriasis needs additional assistance in overcoming psychic barriers and taking part in the social environment. Such aid can be provided by a psoriasis society which forms a link between the patient and the specialists in medicine, psychology, sociology, diabetics etc.
Summary     Izhodišča. Luskavica je dedno pogojena kronična, vnetna kožna bolezen. Najpogosteje se kaže z značilnimi, dobro omejenimi, različno velikimi in oblikovanimi eritematoznimi žarišči, prekritimi s srebrno-sivimi luskami. V klinično manifestni ali prikriti (latentni) obliki spremlja psoriatika vse življenje. Vpliva na bolnikovo telesno počutje, kot tudi na njegovo psihično in socialno stanje ter vsakondevno življenje. Kljub številnim znanstvenim raziskavam psoriaza ni dokončno ozdravljiva bolezen. Zaključki. Psoriatik potrebuje razen organizirane zdravstvene oskrbe tudi dodatno pomoč pri premagovanju psihičnih ovir in pri vključevanju v socialno okolje. To nalogo lahko med drugimi opravi društvo psoriatikov kot vezni člen med bolnikom in usposobljenimi strokovnjaki s področja zdravstva, psihologije, sociologije, dietetike itd.
Descriptors     PSORIASIS