Author/Editor     Wraber, Branka
Title     Laboratorijska prepoznava alergijskih bolezni
Translated title     Laboratory assessment of allergic diseases
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 7
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 103-12
Language     slo
Abstract     The possibilities for laboratory assessment of allergic, mostly IgE mediated diseases, are presented in the article. In these diseases, IgE molecules attached to high affinity receptors on mastocytes and basophils, which recongnize and bind particular allergen, are pivotal for the development of an allergic reaction. During the activation on mastocytes and basophils, mediators of allergic reactions are releases. With laboratory tests, we are able to assess the tendency to produce specific IgE to ubiquitous substances in the environment (atopy) and to search for the substance(s) (allergen), which triggers the allergic reaction in the patient. It is possible to follow up the patients' response to specific immunotheapy, and to measure mediators of allergic diseases either produced in vivo or secreted by the immune cells after challenge with allergen in vitro. The methods for measurement of total serum IgE and specific IgE are presented, together with our data concerning the frequency of specific IgE responses against some inhalatory and food allergens. We mention the methods for allergen specific IgG measurement. We describe the methods for the quuantification of allergic reaction mediators, e.g. histamine and sulfidoleukotriens. These mediators are secretd after the challenge of leukocytes with an allergen in vitro. Finally, the measurement of mediators such as histamine metabolite - methylhistamine, tryptase, and eosinophil cationic protein in body fluids is presented.
Summary     V prispevku so predstavljene možnosti za laboratorijsko prepoznavo predvsem z IgE posredovanih alergijskih bolezni. Klinični dejavnik za razvoj alergijske reakcije pri teh boleznih so molekule IgE, vezane na visokoafinitetne receptorje na mastocitih in bazofilcih, ki prepoznavajo in vežejo posamezne alergene. Ob tem se celice aktivirajo in izločajo mediatorje alergijske reakcije. Z laboratorijskimi metodami preiskujemo nagnjenost k tvorbi protiteles IgE proti splošno razširjenim neškodljivim snovem iz okolja (atopija), iščemo snov(i) (alergen), ki sproža alergijske reakcije pri posameznem bolniku, zasledujemo učinek specifične imunoterapije alergijskih bolezni ter merimo mediatorje alergijske reakcije v telesnih tekočinah in tiste, ki se izločijo po aktivaciji imunskih celic z alergenom in vitro. Prikazali smo metode za merjenje celotnih IgE in in specifičnih IgE v serumu ter naše izkušnje s pogostnostjo prisotnosti specifičnih IgE proti nekaterim inhalacijskim in prehrambenim alergenom v preiskanih serumih. Omenili smo možnost spremljanja specifične imunoterapije z merjenjem specifičnih IgG proti posameznim alergenom. Predstavili smo metode za merjenje mediatorjev alergijske reakcije kot sta histamin in sulfidolevkotrieni, nastalih po aktivaciji levkocitov z alergenom in vitro ter merjenje mediatorjev kot so metabolit histamina metilhistamin, triptaza in kationski protein eozinofilcev v telesnih tekočinah.