Author/Editor     Kotar, Tadeja; Vižintin, Tjaša
Title     Epidemiologija bolezni, povezanih s potovanji
Translated title     Epidemiology of travel-related diseases
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. Suppl 8
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 1-7
Language     slo
Abstract     With the growing number of the Earth's population and an increase in travelling to different parts of the world, there is also a grater number of people who seek advice before travel or require medical help after thet return home. This article presents the results of a retrospective study which included 149 patients who were hospitalised or treated at the outpatient departments at the Clinic for infections diseases, Ljubljana Medical centre in 1998 due to illnesses associated with travel. Data on travel destination, duration of travel, period of time between return home and the first visit to the clinic, immunoprophylaxis, the referring institution, number of hospitalisations and outpatient visit, and the final diagnosis were collected from hospital records. The study provided a picture of the current situation in this particular field in Slovenia.
Summary     Skupaj z vse večjim številom potovanj, narašča tudi število ljudi, ki iščejo nasvet pred potovanjem oziroma zdravniško pomoč po vrnitvi s potovanj. V članku prikazujemo retrospektivno študijo, ki je zajela 149 bolnikov, ki so bili v letu 1998 hospitalizirani oziroma ambulantno obravnavani na Kliniki za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja v Ljubljani zaradi obolenj, povezanih s potovanji. Zanimali so nas predvsem destinacija potovanja, trajanje potovanja, čas od vrnitve s potovanja, profilaksa in cepljenje, napotna ustanova, število obiskov na kliniki, vrsta obravnave (ambulantno ali bolnišnično) ter končna diagnoza. Podatki, ki smo jih zbrali iz ambulantnih kartonov in popisov bolezni za leto 1998, nam dajejo okvirno sliko trenutnega stanja na tem področju pri nas.
Descriptors     TRAVEL