Author/Editor     Borovšak-Bela, D
Title     Preventivno in mladinsko zobozdravstvo - ali nam doseženi rezultati dovoljujejo spanje na lovorikah?
Translated title     Preventive child and adolescent dentistry - do the results achived allow us to rest on our laurels?
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 36-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Several decades ago dentists working in child and adolescent dentistry have established that tooth decay and diseases of the oral cavity are not a necessary evil and can be successfully prevented with well planned, organized and wide-ranging measure A preventive programme was elaborated and in September 1997, at the Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry - IAPD in Buenos Aires, it received the award for the best educational programme for tooth decay prevention. Its effectiveness was shown by favourable results obtained by following the health of teeth in Slovenian children and adolescents. 0ur achievements are the result of long years of effort of all those working according to the programme: specialists in paedodontology, dentists, preventive and stomatologic nurses, educators, teachers, parents and other expert collaborators, and also well-organize dental services.
Summary     Zobozdravniki v otroškem in mladinskem zobozdravstvu smo že pred desetletji spoznali, da zobna gniloba in bolezni ustne votline niso nujno zlo in jih lahko z dobro načrtovanimi, organiziranimi široko zastavljenimi ukrepi uspešno preprečujemo. Izdelali smo preventivni program, ki je bil septembra 1997 v Buenos Airesu na kongresu Mednarodnega pedontološkega združenja (Association of Paediatric Dentistry - IAPD) priznan za najboljši vzgojno- prosvetni program proti zobni gnilobi. Kako je učinkovit ob doslednem izvajanju, pa so pokazali pozitivni rezultati spremljanja zobnega zdravja pri slovenskih otrocih in mladini. To, kar smo dosegli, je rezultat dolgoletnih prizadevanj vseh, ki delajo po programu: specialistov pedontologov, zobozdravnikov, preventivnih in stomatoloških sester, vzgojiteljev, učiteljev, staršev in drugih strokovnih sodelavcev in dobro organizirane zobozdravstvene službe.