Author/Editor     Brecelj, J
Title     Plosko stopalo pri otroku, zgodnje odkrivanje in obravnava
Translated title     Flat foot in the child, early detection and treatment
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 39-43
Language     slo
Abstract     The author summarizes the results of survey studies by renowned child orthopaedists on the flexible flat foot in children. In the introduction he presents the normal development of the foot and the extent of anatomic varieties, which are functionally equivalent and regarded as normal. Further he explains the definition of the flexible flat foot and based on the studies he substantiates not only the uselessness but also even the detrimental effect of various orthoses, which had been prescribed for such feet for many years. The flexible flat foot will develop best in wide, soft footwear, without any "orthopaedic" aids, or even bare. In a separate chapter he points out the particularities of skeletal development, which must be specially considered when examining the child's feet. In conclusion, based on his own experience, the author stresses the difficult role of the physician who is exposed to the pressure exerted by parents, grandparents and all those concerned with the well being of the child with flat feet. In such cases the fastest solution for both sides is a prescription for arch supports. Such a decision, however, will result in permanent damage for the child.
Summary     V prispevku avtor povzema izsledke preglednih študij uglednih otroških ortopedov o fleksibilnem ploskem stopalu pri otrocih. V uvodu predstavi normalni razvoj stopala in obseg anatomskih različic, ki so funkcionalno enakovredne in spadajo v skupino normalnega. V nadaljevanju razloži definicijo fleksibilnega ploskega stopala ter na podlagi študij utemeljuje ne le nekoristnost, ampak celo škodljivost različnih ortoz, ki so jih dolga leta predpisovali za takšna stopala. Fleksibilno plosko stopalo se bo najbolje razvilo v prostorni, mehki obutvi brez >>ortopedskih<< dodatkov ali pa boso. V posebnem poglavju opozori na posebnosti v razvoju skeleta, na katere moramo biti pozorni pri pregledu otrokovega stopala. V sklepnem delu, tudi na podlagi lastnih izkušenj, opozarja na težko nalogo zdravnika, ki je izpostavljen pritiskom staršev, starih staršev in vseh drugih, zaskrbljenih za usodo otroka s ploskimi stopali. V takšnih primerih je najhitrejša rešitev za obe strani recept za vložek, vendar pa je takšno ravnanje otroku v trajno škodo.
Descriptors     FLATFOOT