Author/Editor     Ilijaš-Trofenik, A; Plečnik, Z
Title     Novosti v prehrani dojenčkov s posebnimi težavami
Translated title     The latest news in infant nutrition for special purposes
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 93-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The synopsis presents later conceptions regarding the structure of milk formulae for infants, especially for those with specific handicaps. The condensation of milk with the addition of carob flour- anti-regurgitation formula (AR formula) is safe and efficient for the decrease of regurgitation and represents the first step of the cure of regurgitation and gastroesophageal reflux without complication. According to the aspiration that bifidobacteria would prevail in the intestinal flora of the children fed with adapted milk formulae in the same way as with breast-fed children, the concept to enrich the milk formula with prebiotic oligosaccharides (OS) was created. As complex human milk OS are not available, commercially acceptable OS were developed: fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and transgalacto oligosaccharides (TOS), which are similar to human milk prebiotic OS regarding molecular structure and prebiotic function. Reesteriphicated vegetable fat - Betapol is rich in palmitic acid on the spot sn-2, similar to the fat in human milk. The studies have shown that the use of Betapol in milk formulae is positive and promising at obstipation at small babies' age. The formulae including the hydrolisate of cows milk whey, decreased quantity of lactose are promising at the decrease of the signs of colics and are recommended for the children with intolerance to cows milk. The addition of longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) is very important in the first months of life of mature and premature born babies, as well as in the nutrition of pregnant and lactating women.
Summary     Pregledni članek prikazuje novejša spoznanja v sestavi mlečnih formul za dojenčke, predvsem za tiste s posebnimi težavami. Zgoščevanje mleka z dodatkom rožičeve moke-antiregurgitacijske formule (AR formule) je varno in učinkovito za zmanjševanje regurgitacije in je prvi korak v zdravljenju regurgitacije in gastroezofagealnega refluksa brez komplikacij. V želji, da bi v črevesni flori otrok, ki so hranjeni z adaptiranimi mlečnimi formulami prevladovala bifidobakterija, podobno kot pri dojenih otrocih, je nastal koncept dodati mlečni formuli prebiotične oligosaharide (OS). Ker kompleksno zgrajeni humani mlečni OS niso razpoložljivi, so razvili komercialno dostopne OS: fruktooligosaharide (FOS) in transgalaktooligosaharide (TOS), ki so humanim mlečnim prebiotičnim OS podobni po molekularni zgradbi in prebiotičnem delovanju. Reesterificirana rastlinska maščoba - Betapol je bogata s palmitinsko kislino na mestu sn-2, podobno maščobi humanega mleka. Študije so pokazale, da je uporaba Betapola v mlečnih formulah obetujoča pri zaprtju v obdobju dojenčka. Formule, ki vsebujejo hidrolizat sirotke kravjega mleka, zmanjšano količino laktoze, pripomorejo k zmanjšanju znakov kolik in so priporočljive za otroke z intoleranco na kravje mleko. Dodajanje dolgoverižnih polinenasičenih maščobnih kislin (LCPs) je zelo pomembno v prvih mesecih življenja donošenih in nedonošenih otrok, kakor tudi v prehrani nosečnic in doječih mater.
Descriptors     INFANT NUTRITION