Author/Editor     Gradišnik, P; Lobnik-Krunič, B
Title     Alergija za protiepileptična zdravila
Translated title     Allergy to antiepileptic drugs
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 175-8
Language     slo
Abstract     The symptoms of allergic reactions to antiepileptic drugs (AED) are frequently interlaced with the symptoms of acute pharmacologic adverse effects of AED. Allergic reactions to carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitone and pirimidone are most frequent, while lamotrigine holds first place among the newer AED. The mechanisms of AED allergies proceed according to all four types. Prevalent are milder reactions, most often in the form of skin rash. One percent of allergies are most severe skin reactions resulting in systemic complications. A significant and often overlooked AED allergy, most often occurring in association with an AED of aromatic chemical structure, is the antiepileptic hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS). The diagnostic methods of proving AED allergies are still dificient. Immediate discontinuation of AED at the onset of an allergic reaction is not associated with a high risk of an epileptic status. The risk of repeated allergic reaction following the introduction of a new drug is not high if we chose a drug that is not chemically related to the chosen initially.
Summary     Alergične reakcije za protiepileptična zdravila (PEZ) se s svojo simptomatiko pogosto prepletajo s simptomi akutnih farmakoloških stranskih učinkov PEZ. Najpogosteje se javljajo alergične reakcije za karbamazepin, fenitoin, fenobarbiton in primidon, od novejših PEZ pa za lamotrigin. Mehanizmi alergij za PEZ potekajo po vseh štirih tipih. Prevladujejo lažje reakcije, ki se najpogosteje izražajo s kožnim izpuščajem. En odstotek alergij poteka v obliki hujše kožne reakcije s posledičnimi sistemskimi zapleti. Pomembna in pogosto spregledana oblika alergije za PEZ, ki se javlja najpogosteje v povezavi s PEZ z aromatičnimi kemičnimi strukturami je antiepileptični hipersenzitivni sindrom (AHS). Diagnostične metode dokazovanja alergij za PEZ so še pomanjkljive. Takojšnja ukinitev PEZ ob pojavu alergije ni povezana z visokim tveganjem za nastanek epileptičnega statusa. Tveganje za ponoven nastop alergije ob uvedbi novega zdravila ni visoko, že izberemo takšno, ki ni kemično sorodno prvotno izbranemu.
Descriptors     EPILEPSY